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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Detection of protein microarrays by oblique-incidence reflectivity difference technique被引量:4
Biological microarrays with different proteins and different protein concentrations are detected without external labeling by an oblique-incidence reflectivity difference (OIRD) technique. The initial experiment results reveal that the intensities of OIRD signals can distinguish the different proteins and concentrations of protein. The OIRD technique promises feasible applications to life sciences for label-free and high-throughput detection.
WEN Juan1,LU Heng1,WANG Xu1,YUAN Kun1,L HuiBin1,ZHOU YueLiang1,JIN KuiJuan1,YANG GuoZhen1,LI Wei2 & RUAN KangCheng2 1 Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics,Institute of Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China
利用荧光光谱、SDS-PAGE和NMR方法,考察308 nm XeCl准分子激光辐照对溶菌酶结构与活性的影响。使用能量密度为0.3 mJ/mm2的激光辐照溶菌酶,脉冲数分别为25、50、100、200、600、1200、1800、3600和7200。结果表明,用低强度激光辐照(低于200个脉冲)时,溶菌酶的活性出现增高趋势。随着激光辐照脉冲数的进一步增大,溶菌酶的活性又开始逐步降低。激光辐照处理后,溶菌酶的荧光强度发生了与生物活性相对应的先增高再降低现象,说明溶菌酶的高级结构发生了显著变化。SDS-PAGE结果显示,经激光辐照后,溶菌酶出现了分子间的聚合。分析溶菌酶的1H-NMR谱发现,辐照后,溶菌酶色氨酸(Trp)111、Trp63和Trp62的化学位移发生了变化,此结果进一步说明,激光辐照使溶菌酶的高级结构发生了变化。该实验可为激光辐照诱导蛋白质去折叠的研究提供参考。
Real-time and label-free detection of biomolecular interactions by oblique-incidence reflectivity difference method被引量:1
We successfully conduct the label-free and real-time detection of the interactions between epoxy groups and rabbit IgG and 5' CTT CAG GTC ATG AGC CTG AT 3' oligonucleotide, and between the hybridization of 5' CTT CAG GTC ATG AGC CTG AT 3' and its complementary 3' GAA GTC CAC TAC TCG GAC TA 5' oligonucleotide, by the oblique-incidence reflectivity difference (OI-RD) method. The dynamic curves of OI-RD signals, corresponding to the kinetic processes of biomolecular combination or hybridization, are acquired. In our case, the combination of epoxy groups with rabbit IgG and 5' CTT CAC CTC ATG AGC CTG AT 3' oligonucleotide need almost one and a half hours and about two hundred seconds, respectively; and the hybridization of the two oligonucleotides needs about five hundred seconds. The experimental results show that the OI-RD is a promising method for the real-time and label-free detection of biomolecular interactions.
Detection of hybridization of protein microarrays using an oblique-incidence reflectivity difference method被引量:8
Mouse-Immunoglobulin G(mouse-IgG) with different concentrations in a range from 1000 to 0.0128 μg/mL and a specific hybridization with goat anti-mouse IgG were detected successfully by using an oblique-incidence reflectivity difference(OI-RD) method.Two detection signals,consisting of an imaginary part(Im{Δp-Δs}) and a real part(Re{Δp-Δs}) of OI-RD,were obtained simultaneously.The detection results of hybridization by OI-RD were in accord with that of traditional fluorescent scans.In particular,we label-freely detected the washed mouse-IgG microarray with a series of concentrations and acquired a linear correlation between OI-RD intensities and the protein concentrations in logarithmic coordinates.The detection sensitivity of OI-RD can reach 14 fg.These experimental results suggest that the OI-RD method has potential applications in proteomics and clinical diagnosis.
LU HengWEN JuanWANG XuYUAN KunLU HuiBinZHOU YueLiangJIN Kui-JuanYANG GuoZhenLI WeiRUAN KangCheng
采用XeCl准分子激光器,以不同能量密度激光(0.1 mJ/mm2,0.3 mJ/mm2,0.5 mJ/mm2)辐照溶菌酶,研究辐照后酶活力和蛋白质结构变化。以SDS-PAGE方法检测酶分子间聚合情况,并结合荧光光谱、圆二色光谱变化,探讨不同能量密度激光辐照对溶菌酶活力和分子结构变化规律。结果表明,较低能量密度(0.1 mJ/mm2,0.3 mJ/mm2)辐照,溶菌酶的荧光光强和酶活力随着辐照剂量(脉冲数)的增加出现先上升后下降的规律变化,而较高能量激光辐照(0.5 mJ/mm2)导致溶菌酶活力和荧光光强均呈下降趋势,这说明激光辐照导致的溶菌酶活力和分子结构变化存在剂量依赖效应。SDS-PAGE显示,随着辐照能量密度和脉冲数的增加,溶菌酶出现了更多的分子间聚合。较低能量密度辐照时,聚合是由分子间二硫键形成的,而较高能量密度诱发的分子聚合是由分子间二硫键及疏水键协同作用形成的。圆二色光谱分析显示,激光辐照使溶菌酶分子内α螺旋和转角的含量均呈现不同程度下降,β-折叠和无序的氨基酸无规则卷曲的比例均有升高,这说明溶菌酶活力的降低及分子聚合是由溶菌酶分子二级结构改变造成的。
Label-free detection repeatability of protein microarrays by oblique-incidence reflectivity difference method被引量:3
We examine the repeatabilities of oblique-incidence reflectivity difference(OIRD) method for label-free detecting biological molecular interaction using protein microarrays.The experimental results show that the repeatabilities are the same in a given microarray or microarray-microarray and are consistent,indicating that OIRD is a promising label-free detection technique for biological microarrays.
DAI JunLI LinWANG JingYiHE LiPingLU HuaBinRUAN KangChengJIN KuiJuanYANG GuoZhen
Parallel detection and quantitative analysis of specific binding of proteins by oblique-incidence reflectivity difference technique in label-free format
In this work,we parallelly detected the specific binding between microarray targets including 12 different kinds of proteins and the probe solution containing five corresponding antibodies and quantitatively analyzed the interactions between CDH13 and solution phase anti-CDH13 at six different probe concentrations by oblique-incidence reflectivity difference(OIRD)method in label-free format.The detection sensitivity reached 10 ng/mL.The experimental results indicate that the OIRD method is a promising and competing technique not only in research work but also in clinic.
DAI JunLI LinHE LiPingRUAN KangChengLU HuiBinJIN KuiJuanYANG GuoZhen
Label-free detection of hybridization of oligonucleotides by oblique-incidence reflectivity difference method被引量:8
The microarrays of 20-base oligonucleotide with different concentrations are detected before and after hybridization by the oblique-incidence reflectivity difference (OI-RD) method. The experimental results prove that OI-RD is a label-free method which can not only distinguish the concentration difference of oligonucleotides before and after the hybridization but also detect the hybridization of short oligonucleotides. At present the OI-RD method can detect 0.39 μmol/L 20-base oligonucleotide or less. These results suggest that the OI-RD method is a promising and potential technique for label-free detection of biological microarrays.
YUAN KunWANG XuLU HengWEN JuanLU HuiBinZHOU YueLiangJIN Kui-JuanYANG GuoZhenLI WeiRUAN KangCheng
High-sensitivity photovoltage based on the interfacial photoelectric effect in the SrTiO_(3-δ)/Si heterojunction被引量:1
A high sensitivity photovoltaic effect has been observed in a heterojunction composed of n-type wide bandgap oxide SrTiO 3-δ and p-type Si fabricated by laser molecular beam epitaxy.The responsivity of open-circuit photovoltage can reach 10 4 V/W without any amplification under zero bias for the wavelength range from visible to near infrared light in nW-μW order.We attribute the high performance of the photovoltage responsivity to the interfacial photoelectric effects in the SrTiO 3-δ /Si heterojunction.From the experimental results,some ideas can be generalized to improve photovoltaic efficiency and develop high sensitivity photodetectors with wide bandgap oxide materials and Si.
WEN Juan 1,GUO HaiZhong 1,XING Jie 2,Lü HuiBin 1,JIN Kui-Juan 1,HE Meng 1 & YANG GuoZhen 1 1 Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics,Institute of Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China