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11 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Soil moisture-based study of the variability of dry-wet climate and climate zones in China被引量:9
An ensemble soil moisture dataset was produced from 11 of 25 global climate model (GCM) simulations for two climate scenarios spanning 1900 to 2099; this dataset was based on an evaluation of the spatial correlation of means and trends in reference to soil moisture simulations conducted using the community land model driven by observed atmospheric forcing. Using the ensemble soil moisture index, we analyzed the dry-wet climate variability and the dynamics of the climate zone boundaries in China over this 199-year period. The results showed that soil moisture increased in the typically arid regions, but with insignificant trends in the humid regions; furthermore, the soil moisture exhibited strong oscillations with significant drought trends in the transition zones between arid and humid regions. The dynamics of climate zone boundaries indicated that the expansion of semiarid regions and the contraction of semi-humid regions are typical characteristics of the dry-wet climate variability for two scenarios in China. During the 20th century, the total area of semiarid regions expanded by 11.5% north of 30°N in China, compared to the average area for 1970-1999, but that of semi-humid regions decreased by approximately 9.8% in comparison to the average for the period of 1970-1999, even though the transfer area of the humid to the semi-humid regions was taken into account. For the 21st century, the dynamics exhibit similar trends of climate boundaries, but with greater intensity.
LI MingXingMA ZhuGuo
Regional soil moisture simulation for Shaanxi Province using SWAT model validation and trend analysis被引量:9
The soil moisture in Shaanxi Province,a region with complex topography,is simulated using the distributed hydrological model Soil Water Assessment Tool(SWAT).Comparison and contrast of modeled and observed soil moisture show that the SWAT model can reasonably simulate the long-term trend in soil moisture and the spatiotemporal variability of soil moisture in the region.Comparisons to NCEP/NCAR and ERA40 reanalysis of soil moisture show that the trend of variability in soil moisture simulated by SWAT is more consistent with the observed.SWAT model results suggested that high soil moisture in surface soil layers appears in the southern Shaanxi with high vegetation cover,and the Qinling mountainous region with frequent orographic precipitation.In deeper soil layers,high soil moisture appears in the river basins and plains.The regional soil moisture showed a generally decreasing trend on all soil layers from 1951 to 2004,with a stronger and significant decreasing trend in deeper soil layers,especially in the northern parts of the province.
LI MingXing1,2,MA ZhuGuo1 & DU JiWen3 1 Key Laboratory of Regional Climate-Environment Research for Temperate East Asia,Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China
利用中国新疆地区1960-2005年109个设有蒸发皿蒸发观测的常规气象站资料,并结合不同驱动场和不同陆面模式的模拟结果,对蒸发皿蒸发及模拟的实际蒸发的年、各个季节的变化及其它们的相互联系进行了详细的分析和讨论。结果发现,在过去的46年里,年蒸发皿蒸发总体上都表现为明显的下降趋势,而实际蒸发在总体上显著上升,与蒸发皿蒸发的变化趋势相反。在80年代中后期,蒸发皿蒸发、实际蒸发和降水的转折点(1986年)一致,进一步说就是无论在转折点的前后,降水增加的转折性变化与模拟的实际蒸发的转折性增加变化一致,而与蒸发皿蒸发减小的转折性变化相反,这表明,在新疆地区,蒸发皿蒸发和实际蒸散之间具有相反的变化关系,这支持Brutsaert and Parlange提出的蒸发皿蒸发和实际蒸散之间具有互补相关关系(变化趋势相反)的理论。分析气温、降水、湿度、云量和日照时数等环境变量的变化趋势发现:降水、云量等表征大气中水分特征的变量表现为明显的上升趋势,这也间接的证明了蒸发皿蒸发和实际蒸散之间存在相反的关系,而与各个环境变量之间相关系数的分析则表明,气温日较差、风速、低云量和降水是与蒸发皿蒸发和实际蒸发关系最紧密的环境因子,它们的变化可能是导致蒸发皿蒸发和蒸散量变化的原因。
Modeling spatial and temporal variations in soil moisture in China被引量:19
On the basis of station observations,an atmospheric field (ObsFC) was constructed for the Community Land Model version 3.5 (CLM3.5).The model (CLM3.5 driven with ObsFC,hereafter referred as to CLM3.5/ObsFC) was used to simulate soil moisture (SM) from 1951 to 2008 in China.The resulting SM was compared with in situ observations,remote-sensing data and estimations made by various land models,indicating that CLM3.5/ObsFC is capable of reproducing the temporospatial characteristics and long-term variation trends of SM over China.Using an in situ observation-based forcing field improves the simulation of SM.Analysis of SM simulated using CLM3.5/ObsFC shows that the overall spatial pattern of SM was characterized by a gradually decreasing and alternating distribution of arid-humid zones from the southeast to northwest.Regionally averaged SM was the driest over southern Xinjiang Province and western Inner Mongolia,while the most humid regions were located over the Northeast Plain,Jianghuai region and the Yangtze River basin.The long-term variation trends of SM were generally characterized by increases in arid and humid regions and decreases in semiarid regions.Moreover,the variation was relatively intense from the mid-1970s to the mid-1990s in the arid region.The time series was more stable in the humid region except for a period near 1970 and after the year 2003.A downward trend was most prominent in the semiarid region from the 1990s to the end of the time series.For 1951-2008,in the arid,semiarid and humid regions,the SM volume percentage changed by 2.35,-1.26 and 0.08,respectively.The variation trends and intensity remarkably differed among the different regions,with the most notable changes being over the arid and semiarid regions north of 35°N.
LI MingXingMA ZhuGuoNIU Guo-Yue
Comparisons of Simulations of Soil Moisture Variations in the Yellow River Basin Driven by Various Atmospheric Forcing Data Sets被引量:17
Based on station observations, The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis (ERA40), the National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis and Princeton University's global meteorological forcing data set (Princeton), four atmospheric forcing fields were constructed for use in driving the Community Land Model version 3.5 (CLM3.5). Simulated soil moisture content throughout the period 1951-2000 in the Yellow River basin was validated via comparison with corresponding observations in the upper, middle, and lower reaches. The results show that CLM3.5 is capable of reproducing not only the characteristics of intra-annual and annual variations of soil moisture, but also long-term variation trends, with different statistical significance in the correlations between the observations and simulations from different forcing fields in various reaches. The simulations modeled with station-based atmospheric forcing fields are the most consistent with observed soil moisture, and the simulations based on the Princeton data set are the second best, on average. The simulations from ERA40 and NCEP/NCAR are close to each other in quality, but comparatively worse to the other sources of forcing information that were evaluated. Regionally, simulations are most consistent with observations in the lower reaches and less so in the upper reaches, with the middle reaches in between. In addition, the soil moisture simulated by CLM3.5 is systematically greater than the observations in the Yellow River basin. Comparisons between the simulations by CLM3.5 and CLM3.0 indicate that simulation errors are primarily caused by deficiencies within CLM3.5 and are also associated with the quality of atmospheric forcing field applied.
基于DEM数据和土壤分类、土壤属性、土地利用分类、植被属性和观测气象数据,利用分布式水文模型SWAT(Soiland Water Assessment Tool),对陕西区域进行了土壤湿度模拟和检验.模拟土壤湿度与实际观测土壤湿度的对比分析表明:SWAT较好的模拟了区域土壤湿度的变化特点及其长期趋势,且对多气候类型及复杂地形区域的土壤含水量时空变化有较强的模拟能力;表层土壤湿度在植被状况好的陕南地区和地形性降水明显的秦岭山地等区域量值较大,而深层土壤湿度较大值出现在河流及平原地区;1951~2004年土壤湿度变化总体上不同深度的土壤湿度均呈下降趋势,深层下降趋势较表层表现更明显,秦岭以北地区比以南地区表现更明显;土壤干化趋势的强度深层大于表层,秦岭以北地区大于以南地区,土壤干化(土壤湿度减小的趋势)的范围深层亦大于表层,且多分布于秦岭以北地区.与NCEP和ERA40再分析土壤湿度数据对比分析表明,SWAT模拟的土壤湿度日变化、月和年平均值的变化趋势均优于NCEP和ERA40的土壤湿度变化趋势.