A new species of Gobiconodon is found from the Yixian Formation of western Liaoning, China. The new taxa, G. zofiae sp. nov., has a confluent opening for branches Ⅱ and Ⅲ of the trigeminal nerve on the anterior lamina of the petrosal. G. zofiae sp. nov. is similar to Repenomamus in having an ossified Meckels cartilage connecting the lower jaws and ear region. The new species, with enlarged I1/I1, posteriorly located infraorbital foramen and four mental foramina, distinctly differs from the other species of Gobiconodon. The new material indicates that Gobiconodon has four, not five, upper molariforms. The presence of Gobiconodon in Jehol Biota makes it possible to correlate Jehol Biota with faunas in eastern Asia and North America, and suggests the age of the Yixian Formation to be Early Cretaceous.
A new record of hadrosaur, Jiayinosauropus johnsoni ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov., was established on the basis of a well preserved footprint. The specimen was collected from the Yong’ancun Formation of Jiayin Group of early Late Cretaceous. The site is situated on the right bank of the Heilongjiang River, near Jiayin County, Heilongjiang Province. It was a pedal impression of a hadrosaur. It appeared a broadly tridactyl foot and possessed wide and thick digital. There are webs between the digits. The first hadrosaur, Mandschurosaurus amurensis (Riabinin, 1925,1930), was reported on the south bank of Heilongjiang River. It showed that the duck-bill dinosaurs existed in the region during the Cretaceous age. This footprint, Jiayinosauropus , is the first record of hadrosaur footprint in China.