国家自然科学基金(61333004) 作品数:29 被引量:475 H指数:14 相关作者: 段海滨 范彦铭 魏晨 周锐 车军 更多>> 相关机构: 北京航空航天大学 沈阳飞机设计研究所 西安飞行自动控制研究所 更多>> 发文基金: 国家自然科学基金 国家杰出青年科学基金 中国航空科学基金 更多>> 相关领域: 航空宇航科学技术 自动化与计算机技术 生物学 理学 更多>>
基于莱维飞行鸽群优化的仿雁群无人机编队控制器设计 被引量:19 2018年 针对无人机编队控制器设计难题,受到大雁飞行时头雁产生的上洗气流能有效减小雁群飞行所需要的体力消耗的启发,设计了无人机编队远距离飞行时的比例-积分-微分仿雁群编队控制器.编队飞行中,无人机由于会受到突风或其他客观因素的影响会偏离最佳的编队位置,针对该问题提出了一种基于莱维飞行鸽群优化无人机编队控制器参数的整定方法,以求取无人机编队时对外界干扰具有强鲁棒性的比例-积分-微分控制器参数.仿真对比验证表明,本文所设计的基于莱维飞行鸽群优化的仿雁群无人机编队控制器具有更强的快速性、稳定性和可靠性,减少了无人机远距离仿雁群编队时飞行的油量消耗,并增加了无人机的作战半径. 杨之元 段海滨 范彦铭关键词:无人机 编队控制 Robust Attitude Control for Reusable Launch Vehicles Based on Fractional Calculus and Pigeon-inspired Optimization 被引量:5 2017年 In this paper, a robust attitude control system based on fractional order sliding mode control and dynamic inversion approach is presented for the reusable launch vehicle RLV during the reentry phase. By introducing the fractional order sliding surface to replace the integer order one, we design robust outer loop controller to compensate the error introduced by inner loop controller designed by dynamic inversion approach. To take the uncertainties of aerodynamic parameters into account, stochastic robustness design approach based on the Monte Carlo simulation and Pigeon-inspired optimization is established to increase the robustness of the controller. Some simulation results are given out which indicate the reliability and effectiveness of the attitude control system. © 2014 Chinese Association of Automation. Qiang Xue Haibin Duan关键词:LAUNCHING REUSABILITY Multi-objective pigeon-inspired optimization for brushless direct current motor parameter design 被引量:19 2015年 Pigeon-inspired optimization(PIO) is a new swarm intelligence optimization algorithm, which is inspired by the behavior of homing pigeons. A variant of pigeon-inspired optimization named multi-objective pigeon-inspired optimization(MPIO) is proposed in this paper. It is also adopted to solve the multi-objective optimization problems in designing the parameters of brushless direct current motors, which has two objective variables, five design variables, and five constraint variables. Furthermore, comparative experimental results with the modified non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm are given to show the feasibility, validity and superiority of our proposed MIPO algorithm. QIU HuaXin DUAN HaiBinLevenberg-Marquardt based artificial physics method for mobile robot oscillation alleviation 被引量:6 2014年 This paper proposed a modified artificial physics(AP)method to solve the autonomous navigation problem for mobile robots in complex environments.The basic AP method tends to cause oscillations in the presence of obstacles and in narrow passages,which can result in time consumption.To alleviate oscillation,we modified the AP method using the Levenbery-Marquardt(LM)algorithm.In the modified AP method,we altered the original directions of AP forces to the Newton direction,and adjust the parameter by the LM algorithm.A series of comparative experimental results show that the modified AP method can achieve smoother trajectories with less time consumption.This demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of our proposed approach. ZHANG XiangYin DUAN HaiBin LUO QiNanA Predator-prey Particle Swarm Optimization Approach to Multiple UCAV Air Combat Modeled by Dynamic Game Theory 被引量:28 2015年 Dynamic game theory has received considerable attention as a promising technique for formulating control actions for agents in an extended complex enterprise that involves an adversary. At each decision making step, each side seeks the best scheme with the purpose of maximizing its own objective function. In this paper, a game theoretic approach based on predatorprey particle swarm optimization (PP-PSO) is presented, and the dynamic task assignment problem for multiple unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) in military operation is decomposed and modeled as a two-player game at each decision stage. The optimal assignment scheme of each stage is regarded as a mixed Nash equilibrium, which can be solved by using the PP-PSO. The effectiveness of our proposed methodology is verified by a typical example of an air military operation that involves two opposing forces: the attacking force Red and the defense force Blue. © 2014 Chinese Association of Automation. Haibin Duan Pei Li Yaxiang Yu关键词:AIRSHIPS 无人机自主集群技术研究展望 被引量:33 2018年 动态不确定环境和复杂任务决定了无人机系统势必朝着集群化、自主化和智能化方向发展,具备共识自主性的无人机集群可无需任何集中规划或直接通信完成复杂智能行为。从无人机自主性内涵出发,讨论了无人机自主集群的概念、特点、优势及可能的作战形式,从人机共融、变体设计、人工智能和集群对抗方面探讨了无人机自主集群的发展趋势及无人机集群应对反无人机技术的必要性,从军用和民用领域分析了无人机自主集群的可能应用前景,从战略规划、研发模式、系统协调、交叉学科、国防应用及市场培育等方面探讨了无人机自主集群技术的发展方向。 段海滨 邱华鑫 陈琳 魏晨关键词:无人机 基于鸽群行为机制的多无人机自主编队 被引量:82 2015年 受启发于无人机(unmanned aerial vehicle,UAV)编队飞行与生物群体社会性行为的相似性,本文提出了一种基于鸽群行为机制的多无人机自主编队控制方法.首先通过模仿鸽群特有的层级行为,建立了鸽群行为机制模型.该模型在已有群集模型基础上,采用有向图和人工势场理论对鸽群中的拓扑结构和领导机制进行建模.在深入分析无人机自主编队飞行仿生机理的基础上,设计了一种基于鸽群行为机制的无人机自主编队控制器.该控制器以鸽群行为机制模型为核心,还包含两个辅助环节,即控制指令解算器和状态转换器.最后,通过系列仿真实验验证了无人机群可在本文所设计的无人机自主编队控制器作用下形成预期的编队队形,并可在复杂长机运动条件下保持队形. 邱华鑫 段海滨 范彦铭关键词:无人机 编队控制 有向图 人工势场 基于捕食逃逸鸽群优化的无人机紧密编队协同控制 被引量:35 2015年 提出一种基于捕食逃逸鸽群优化(pigeon-inspired optimization,PIO)的无人机(unmanned aerial vehicle,UAV)紧密编队协同控制方法.基于人工势场法设计了外环控制器,将无人机紧密编队转化成一种抽象的人造势场中的运动;基于鸽群优化算法设计了内环控制器,进行控制量的优化求解.在遵循鸽群优化基本思想的基础上,对其结构进行调整,并针对基本鸽群优化易陷入局部最优的问题,引入了捕食逃逸机制来改善鸽群优化总体性能.最后,将本文所提出的改进鸽群优化算法与基本鸽群优化算法、粒子群优化(particle swarm optimization,PSO)算法进行了系列对比实验,实验结果验证了文中所提方法的可行性、有效性和优越性. 段海滨 邱华鑫 范彦铭关键词:无人机 粒子群优化 人工势场法 从狼群智能到无人机集群协同决策 被引量:54 2019年 无人机协同作战是未来战场的一种重要作战模式,而环境和态势的不确定性使得无人机集群协同决策成为支撑集群协同作战亟待突破的一项关键技术.狼群具有较强的认知与协作能力,能够在复杂环境下迅速对目标进行跟踪和包围.其中所体现的信息认知与分工协作等智能行为特征,与无人机集群对抗决策需求相符.因此,研究狼群智能行为机理,并应用于无人机集群系统对抗任务,对解决无人机集群协同决策问题具有重要借鉴意义. 段海滨 张岱峰 范彦铭 邓亦敏基于一致性算法的时延多无人机编队分散化控制 被引量:7 2014年 为实现存在时变通信时延与自时延情况下多无人机的编队控制,利用分散化控制策略与分层控制结构并结合一种带时变参考值的leader-following一致性算法设计状态估计器估计加速度信息和编队控制器使编队保持给定的队形。通过构造Lyapunov函数,获得了无人机编队系统实际位置与期望位置误差收敛到0的充分条件。利用线性矩阵不等式(LMI)给出了时延的上界。最后通过仿真实例实现了无人机编队飞行与保持,表明了方法的正确性与有效性。 丁衍 魏晨 鲍树语关键词:无人机 编队 分散化控制 线性矩阵不等式