In the dual risk model, we consider the optimal dividend and capital injection problem, which involves a random time horizon and a ruin penalty. Both fixed and proportional costs from the transactions of capital injection are considered. The objective is to maximize the total value of the expected discounted dividends, and the penalized discounted both capital injections and ruin penalty during the horizon, which is described by the minimum of the time of ruin and an exponential random variable. The explicit solutions for optimal strategy and value function are obtained, when the income jumps follow a hyper-exponential distribution.Besides, some numerical examples are presented to illustrate our results.
In this work the existence of solutions of one-dimensional backward doubly stochastic differential equations (BDSDEs) with coefficients left-Lipschitz in y (may be discontinuous) and Lipschitz in z is studied. Also, the associated comparison theorem is obtained.
We investigate three kinds of strong laws of large numbers for capacities with a new notion of independently and identically distributed(IID) random variables for sub-linear expectations initiated by Peng.It turns out that these theorems are natural and fairly neat extensions of the classical Kolmogorov's strong law of large numbers to the case where probability measures are no longer additive. An important feature of these strong laws of large numbers is to provide a frequentist perspective on capacities.
This paper extends the model and analysis of Lin, Tan and Yang (2009). We assume that the financial market follows a regime-switching jump-diffusion model and the mortality satisfies Levy process. We price the point to point and annual reset EIAs by Esscher transform method under Merton's assumption and obtain the closed form pricing formulas. Under two cases: with mortality risk and without mortality risk, the effects of the model parameters on the EIAs pricing are illustrated through numerical experiments.
The notion of bridge is introduced for systems of coupled forward-backward doubly stochastic differential equations (FBDSDEs). It is proved that if two FBDSDEs are linked by a bridge, then they have the same unique solvability. Consequently, by constructing appropriate bridges, we obtain several classes of uniquely solvable FBDSDEs. Finally, the probabilistie interpretation for the solutions to a class of quasilinear stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) combined with algebra equations is given. One distinctive character of this result is that the forward component of the FBDSDEs is coupled with the backvzard variable.
This paper deals with strong laws of large numbers for sublinear expectation under controlled 1st moment condition. For a sequence of independent random variables,the author obtains a strong law of large numbers under conditions that there is a control random variable whose 1st moment for sublinear expectation is finite. By discussing the relation between sublinear expectation and Choquet expectation, for a sequence of i.i.d random variables, the author illustrates that only the finiteness of uniform 1st moment for sublinear expectation cannot ensure the validity of the strong law of large numbers which in turn reveals that our result does make sense.
The equity-indexed annuity (EIA) contract offers a proportional participation in the performance of a specified equity index, in addition to a guaranteed return on the single premium. How to manage the risk of the EIA is an important issue. This paper considers the hedging of the EIA. We assume that the parameters of the financial model depend on a continuous-time finite-state Markov chain and the Markov chain is observed, that is the Markov regime switching model. The state of the Markov chain can be interpreted as the state of an economy. Under the regime switching model~ we obtain the risk-minimizing hedging strategy for the EIA.