An as-solution treated Mg-6Gd-1Y-0.4Zr alloy was processed by low temperature thermo-mechanical treatments (LT-TMT), including cold tension with various strains followed by aging at 200 °C to peak hardness. The results show that the precipitation kinetics of the alloy experienced LT-TMT is greatly accelerated and the aging time to peak hardness is greatly decreased with increasing tensile strain. The tensile yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and elongation at room temperature of the alloy after cold tension with strain of 10% and peak aging at 200 °C are 251 MPa, 296 MPa and 8%, respectively, which are superior to the commercial heat-resistant WE54 alloy, although the latter has a higher rare earth element content.
The Mg96Y3Zn1 alloy processed by extrusion and equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) was investigated. It was found that the Mg96Y3Zn1 alloy processed by extrusion and ECAP obtained ultrafine grains and exhibited excellent mechanical properties. After ECAP, the average grain size of Mg96Y3Zn1 alloy was refined to about 400 nm. The highest strengths with yield strength of 381.45 MPa and ultimate tensile strength of 438.33 MPa were obtained after 2 passes at 623 K. The high strength of Mg96Y3Zn1 alloy was due to the strengthening by the grain refinement, the long period stacking (LPS) structure, solid solution, fine Mg24Y5 particles, and nano-scale precipitates. It was found that the elongation was decreased with pass number increasing. It was because that the cracks were preferentially initiated and propagated in the interior of X-phase during the tensile test.
The effects of zirconium addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg97Y2Zn1 alloy were investigated.The microstructure of as-cast Mg97Y2Zn1 alloy is refined by the addition of zirconium.During the extrusion,the initial nucleation sites of the alloy are mainly original grain boundaries and secondary phase.The addition of zirconium could stimulate the DRX process because more grain boundaries are formed,which increases the dynamic recrystallization rate.Both the strength and elongation of the alloy are increased by the addition of zirconium.