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8 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
【目的】分析中国橙黄豆粉蝶Colias fieldii种群遗传多样性和遗传分化情况及其系统发生关系,推测其起源及分化时间,并探讨其历史生物地理分布格局的成因。【方法】对2006-2018年采集的中国23个橙黄豆粉蝶地理种群的115头个体样品的4个线粒体基因(COI,Cytb,NDI和ND5)序列进行PCR扩增和测序;采用MEGA v.7.0,DnaSP v.5.0和Arlequin v.3.5.1等软件分析其遗传多样性和遗传分化情况;以其他近缘豆粉蝶种类作为外类群,采用IQ-TREE,MrBayes v.3.1.2,Network v.4.6和BEAST v.1.8.3等软件重建橙黄豆粉蝶的系统发生树和单倍型网络图,并使用宽松分子钟以及前人的时间标定推测橙黄豆粉蝶的起源和分化时间;结合现今橙黄豆粉蝶的生物地理分布特点和第四纪以来的地球环境背景,探讨其历史生物地理分布格局及成因。【结果】橙黄豆粉蝶种群4个线粒体基因(COI,Cytb,NDI和ND5)片段长度分别为648,699,393和777 bp,这4个基因的串联序列总长为2517 bp,具有明显的AT偏倚特征。基于4个线粒体基因序列,供试橙黄豆粉蝶23个地理种群115头个体中共检测出18个单倍型,总群体的单倍型多样性(Hd)和核苷酸多样性(π)分别为0.677±0.048和0.00066±0.00007,呈现出较高的单倍型多样性和较低的核苷酸多样性。系统发育分析表明,橙黄豆粉蝶种群的18个单倍型分为2个具有明显地理分布格局的支系(Ⅰ和Ⅱ),支系Ⅰ包含13个单倍型,主要来自陕西、河南、甘肃、安徽、湖北、四川、青海及云南部分地区的种群;支系Ⅱ由5个单倍型组成,主要来自云南部分地区及西藏的种群;单倍型网络图与系统发生树结果一致。AMOVA分析结果表明,大部分的种群遗传分化(64.36%)来自于橙黄豆粉蝶种群两单倍型支系间,各分支内的遗传分化较小(35.64%)。中性检验和错配分布分析结果显示,单倍型支系Ⅰ的种群未发生过种群扩张事件,而单倍型支系Ⅱ的种群在
【目的】针对中国灰蝶科中亲缘关系较近的3个主要亚科[灰蝶亚科(Lycaeninae)、线灰蝶亚科(Theclinae)以及眼灰蝶亚科(Polyommatina)],基于线粒体基因序列数据研究它们主要类群间的系统发育关系。【方法】对3亚科共53种灰蝶的线粒体COI和Cytb基因进行序列测定和序列变异分析,同时,基于最大似然法(maximum likelihood,ML)和贝叶斯法(bayesian inference,BI)等建树方法重建53种灰蝶的系统发育树。【结果】串联的2个基因共1 431 bp,其中保守位点855个,可变位点576个,简约信息位点488个;A+T的平均含量为74.5%,明显高于G+C的平均含量(25.5%)。系统树显示,灰蝶亚科以及眼灰蝶亚科均是单系发生,线灰蝶亚科则为并系群。全部灰蝶物种共分为三大支系:灰蝶亚科为第1支系;眼灰蝶亚科与线灰蝶亚科中的旖灰蝶族(Hypolycaenini)、富丽灰蝶族(Aphnaeini)分别构成单系群并互为姊妹群,它们共同构成第2支系;线灰蝶亚科中的美灰蝶族(Eumaeini)、玳灰蝶族(Deudorigini)、娆灰蝶族(Arhopalini)和线灰蝶族(Theclini)构成第3支系,其亲缘关系为:(((线灰蝶族+娆灰蝶族)+玳灰蝶族)+美灰蝶族)。【结论】本研究涉及的3个灰蝶亚科中,灰蝶亚科是一个独立的支系,眼灰蝶亚科与线灰蝶亚科之间有较近的亲缘关系,但它们内部主要类群间的系统发育关系还需要进一步的研究。
Mitochondrial genomes of four pierid butterfly species(Lepidoptera: Pieridae) with assessments about Pieridae phylogeny upon multiple mitogenomic datasets
In this study, the complete mitochondrial genomes of four pierid butterfly species, namely Batltia butleri, Talbotia naganum, Pontia callidice and P. daplidice, were newly sequenced and characterized. Meanwhile the phylogenetic relationships of the main Pieridae lineages covering 22 pierid butterfly species, were reconstructed with Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood methods based on different mitogenomic datasets, including the concatenated 13 PCGs, 13 PCGs + 2 rRNAs, 2 rRNAs, 2 rRNAs + 22 tRNAs and 22 tRNAs sequences, respectively. Our results of mitogenomic analysis showed that the four mitogenomes were 15,124, 15,155, 15,109, 15,124 bp in size, with the gene orders and arangements identical to all other butterflies determined. Our results of phylogenetic analyses upon protein coding genes, rRNA genes or their sequence combinations indicated that the three pierid subfamilies of this study were all monophyletic, with their relationships of being(Dismorphiinae,(Pierinae, Coliadinae)); the phylogenetic relationship of Pierini of this study was(Pieris,(Baltia,(Talbotia, Pontia))) +(Prioneris,(Delias, Aporia)). Additionally, our analyses suggested that only mitogenomic t RNA sequence datasets were not ready to be utilized in resolving the deeper phylogeny, whereas somewhat suitable to be applied in clarifying the phylogenies of closely related species, of the pierid butterflies.
Lan NieYunliang WangDunyuan HuangRuisong TaoChengyong SuJiasheng HaoChaodong Zhu
The first mitochondrial genome for the butterfly family Riodinidae(Abisara fylloides)and its systematic implications
The Riodinidae is one of the lepidopteran butterfly families.This study describes the complete mitochondrial genome of the butterfly species Abisara fylloides,the first mitochondrial genome of the Riodinidae family.The results show that the entire mitochondrial genome of A.fylloides is 15301 bp in length,and contains 13 protein-coding genes,2 ribosomal RNA genes,22 transfer RNA genes and a 423 bp A+T-rich region.The gene content,orientation and order are identical to the majority of other lepidopteran insects.Phylogenetic reconstruction was conducted using the concatenated 13 protein-coding gene(PCG)sequences of 19 available butterfly species covering all the five butterfly families(Papilionidae,Nymphalidae,Peridae,Lycaenidae and Riodinidae).Both maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses highly supported the monophyly of Lycaenidae+Riodinidae,which was standing as the sister of Nymphalidae.In addition,we propose that the riodinids be categorized into the family Lycaenidae as a subfamilial taxon.
Fang ZHAODun-Yuan HUANGXiao-Yan SUNQing-Hui SHIJia-Sheng HAOLan-Lan ZHANGQun YANG
Complete mitochondrial genome of the Five-dot Sergeant Parathyma sulpitia(Nymphalidae:Limenitidinae) and its phylogenetic implications被引量:11
The complete mitochondrial genome of the Parathyma sulpitia (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Limenitidinae) was determined. The entire mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecule was 15 268 bp in size. Its gene content and organization were the same as those of other lepidopteran species, except for the presence of the 121 bp long intergenic spacer between trnSI(AGN)and trnE. The 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) started with the typical ATN codon, with the exception of the coxl gene that used CGA as its initial codon. In addition, all protein-coding genes terminated at the common stop codon TAA, except the nad4 gene which used a single T as its terminating codon. All 22 tRNA genes possessed the typical clover leaf secondary structure except for trnSI(AGN), which had a simple loop with the absence of the DHU stem. Excluding the A+T-rich region, the mtDNA genome of P. sulpitia harbored 11 intergenic spacers, the longest of which was 121 bp long with the highest A+T content (100%), located between trnSI(AGN) and trnE. As in other lepidopteran species, there was an 18-bp poly-T stretch at the 3'-end of the A+T-rich region, and there were a few short microsatellite-like repeat regions without conspicuous macro-repeats in the A+T-rich region. The phylogenetic analyses of the published complete mt genomes from nine Nymphalidae species were conducted using the concatenated sequences of 13 PCGs with maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. The results indicated that Limenitidinae was a sister to the Heliconiinae among the main Nymphalidae lineages in this study, strongly supporting the results of previous molecular data, while contradicting speculations based on morphological characters.
锯凤蝶类与凤蝶科其他类群的系统发生关系及其分类学地位一直存在争议。本研究采用PCR和long PCR技术测定了属于锯凤蝶类的丝带凤蝶Sericinus montelus线粒体基因组全序列;结合已有的其他凤蝶科物种的相应序列数据,基于13个蛋白质编码基因重建了凤蝶科主要类群的系统发生树,探讨了它们之间的系统发生关系。基因组分析结果表明:丝带凤蝶线粒体基因组全长15242bp,包括13个编码蛋白基因(ATP6,ATP8,COⅠ-Ⅲ,ND1-6,ND4L和Cytb)、22个tRNA基因、16S和12SrRNA基因以及非编码的控制区;基因组A,T,G和C含量分别为40.1%,40.8%,7.4%和11.7%,表现出明显的AT偏倚。所有的蛋白质编码基因都使用标准的起始密码子(ATN);除ND4和ND4L基因使用单个的T作为终止密码子外,其余蛋白编码基因都使用了标准的终止密码子(TAA)。除丝氨酸tRNA的二氢尿苷突环缺失外,所有tRNA基因都形成典型的三叶草型结构。基因组中共存在12个大小介于2~65bp之间的基因间隔区以及15个大小介于1~8bp之间的基因重叠区,其中,存在于COⅡ和tRNALys之间的24bp的间隔区在其他鳞翅目昆虫中未曾见到。以邻接法和最大简约法并基于13个蛋白质编码基因序列对凤蝶科进行了系统发生分析。结果显示,丝带凤蝶和中华虎凤蝶Luehdorfia chinensis先构成一个支系,再和冰清绢蝶Parnassius bremeri构成姊妹群;表明锯凤蝶类应作为族级分类单元归于凤蝶科下的绢蝶亚科。
The first mitochondrial genome for the butterfly family Riodinidae(Abisara fylloides) and its systematic implications被引量:3
The Riodinidae is one of the lepidopteran butterfly families. This study describes the complete mitochondrial genome of the butterfly species Abisara fylloides, the first mitochondrial genome of the Riodinidae family. The results show that the entire mitochondrial genome of A. fylloides is 15301 bp in length, and contains 13 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, 22 transfer RNA genes and a 423 bp A+T-rich region. The gene content, orientation and order are identical to the majority of other lepidopteran insects. Phylogenetic reconstruction was conducted using the concatenated 13 protein-coding gene (PCG) sequences of 19 available butterfly species covering all the five butterfly families (Papilionidae, Nymphalidae, Peridae, Lycaenidae and Riodinidae). Both maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses highly supported the monophyly of Lycaenidae+Riodinidae, which was standing as the sister of Nymphalidae. In addition, we propose that the riodinids be categorized into the family Lycaenidae as a subfamilial taxon.
Fang ZHAODun-Yuan HUANGXiao-Yan SUNQing-Hui SHIJia-Sheng HAOLan-Lan ZHANGQun YANG
基于线粒体16S rRNA基因的舟山群岛碧蛾蜡蝉种群遗传多样性分析
【目的】揭示岛屿隔离效应对舟山群岛及邻近大陆碧蛾蜡蝉Geisha distinctissima种群遗传多样性的影响。【方法】依据本研究获取的舟山群岛(11个岛屿)及邻近大陆15个种群共247头碧蛾蜡蝉样本的16S rRNA基因序列,对该地区种群进行遗传多样性评估;采用贝叶斯推断法构建系统发育树并绘制单倍型网络图,以解析种群间的遗传结构;通过中性检验、错配分布分析和贝叶斯天空线(Bayesian skyline plot, BSP)分析,探讨该地区碧蛾蜡蝉的种群历史动态。【结果】贝叶斯系统树及单倍型网络图均没有解析出舟山群岛碧蛾蜡蝉种群明显的遗传结构。且分子方差分析发现,遗传变异主要集中在种群内部(种群内变异占68.26%),种群间没有明显的遗传分化,显示了该地区碧蛾蜡蝉种群遗传多样性的均质化。不同种群间的单倍型多态性和核苷酸多态性与大陆-岛屿距离及岛屿隔离时间不相关。中性检验分析检测到Tajima’s D和Fu’s Fs均呈显著的负值,且错配分布分析呈现出典型的单峰,表明该地区碧蛾蜡蝉种群发生了近期的种群扩张事件。BSP分析表明,这种扩张事件发生在大约0.5~3.5千年前。【结论】岛屿隔离效应可能不足以驱使舟山群岛及邻近大陆的碧蛾蜡蝉种群遗传多样性产生明显的差异。