A growing interest has been devoted to the contra-rotating propellers (CRPs) due to their high propulsive efficiency, torque balance, low fuel consumption, low cavitations, low noise performance and low hull vibration. Compared with the single-screw system, it is more difficult for the open water performance prediction because forward and aft propellers interact with each other and generate a more complicated flow field around the CRPs system. The current work focuses on the open water performance prediction of contra-rotating propellers by RANS and sliding mesh method considering the effect of computational time step size and turbulence model. The validation study has been performed on two sets of contra-rotating propellers developed by David W Taylor Naval Ship R & D center. Compared with the experimental data, it shows that RANS with sliding mesh method and SST k-ω turbulence model has a good precision in the open water performance prediction of contra-rotating propellers, and small time step size can improve the level of accuracy for CRPs with the same blade number of forward and aft propellers, while a relatively large time step size is a better choice for CRPs with different blade numbers.
为提高水翼抗空化性能,对二维翼型的吸力面外形进行适当改造.通过集成几何参数化技术、面元法和优化算法构建了翼型抗空化优化设计方法.翼型的修形采用在吸力面上设立一段拱弧的方法,并运用三次B样条对翼型进行了参数化表达.在某一工况下,以面元法预报的翼型性能参数作为遗传算法建立目标函数的依据,进行了针对NACA0010翼型上设立拱弧的最佳参数的单一目标和多目标寻优.同时运用雷诺平均纳维艾斯托克斯方法结合RNG k-ε(Re-normalization group k-ε)湍流模型对原翼型及改型的空化流场进行瞬态模拟,对比了气体体积分数云图的差异.结果分析表明.修改的翼型较原型对空化的发展有一定抑制作用,达到了预期目的.