The effect of hydroxyl radical(·OH) on microalgae in ballast water is experimentally investigated. An ?OH plasma generator, which has a thin plate discharge Ag electrode covered by two α-Al2 O3 dielectric layers, is built. The plasma generator is filled with O2 and gaseous H2 O and is powered by a homemade power supply. ?OH radicals are generated by a series of plasma reactions and then dissolved into ballast water to kill microalgae. The maximum density of the killed microalgae is about 11 000 cells per milliliter. At this density, the microalgae are not reactivated at the 48th hour and the 120th hour in the treated ballast waters, and the content of chlorophyll in these microalgae decreases by 100%. The water quality returns to a normal level after 120 hours without secondary pollution of aquatic organisms and environment. These results show that the requirements of the D-2 ballast water discharge standard defined by the International Maritime Organization(IMO) are satisfied with the proposed treatment, and that ·OH is an ideal substance for killing microalgae during ballast water replacement of ships.
利用羟基自由基(·OH)压载水处理系统,采用大气压强电场放电技术制取·OH溶液对塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandrlum tamarense)进行处理。通过普通光学显微镜,荧光显微镜和电子显微镜对·OH处理前后的塔玛亚历山大藻的细胞结构进行观测。结果表明,·OH能有效破坏藻细胞,从而造成藻类死亡。利用随机扩增多态性DNA(random amplification polymorphic DNA,RAPD)和实时定量PCR(RT-PCR)相结合的技术检测·OH对DNA链的破坏作用。共得到了3条有显著差异的扩增产物。这3条扩增产物经测序,并通过NCBI(national center of biotechnology information)的比对分析,最终得到1条可用RT-PCR检测·OH对DNA破坏作用的基因序列。以上的结果表明,·OH压载水处理系统能有效去除塔玛亚历山大藻,并对其DNA造成破坏。