We established a budget model of nitrogen (N) inputs and outputs between watersheds and waterbodies to determine the sources of riverine N in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River drainage area. Nitrogen inputs in the budget included N from synthetic fertilizer, biological fixation by leguminous and other crops, wet/dry atmospheric deposition, excreta from humans and animals, and crop residues. The total N input was estimated to be 17.6 Tg, of which 20% or 3.5 Tg N was transported into waterbodies. Of the total N transported into waterbodies, the largest proportion was N from animal waste (26%), followed by N from atmospheric wet/dry deposition (25%), synthetic fertilizer N (17%), N in sewage wastes (17%), N in human waste from rural areas (6%) and industrial wastewater N (9%). We studied the spatial patterns of N inputs and outputs by dividing the Changjiang River drainage area into four sub-basins, from upstream to downstream: the Tongtian River drainage area (TTD, the headwater drainage area, 138 000 l^n2, less disturbed by human activities); the Jinsha River drainage area (JSD, 347 000 km2, less disturbed by human activities, approx. 3 500 km upstream of the Changjiang estuary); the Pingshan-Yichang drainage area (PYD, 520 500 krn2, large-scale human disturbance, about 2 000 km upstream of the Changjiang estuary); and the Yichang-Datong drainage area (YDD, 699 900 km^2, large-scale httman disturbance, approx. 620 km upstream of the Changjiang estuary). The average N input into waterbodies was 2.3, 7.3, 24.1, and 28.2 kg N/ha in the TTD, JSD, PYD, and YDD sub-basins, respectively, suggesting an increase of N-components of more than 10 times from upstream to downstream areas.
研究了海洋卡盾藻在不同生长阶段和不同密度下对卤虫的急性毒性效应.结果表明,海洋卡盾藻的含藻培养液和除藻过滤液均对卤虫有致死作用,且前者毒性大于后者.对数生长初期的海洋卡盾藻含藻培养液的毒性作用最强,卤虫暴露在3.0×104cells/mL藻液48h后,死亡率达到83%;对数生长后期海洋卡盾藻含藻培养液也具有较强的毒性,48 h卤虫死亡率为73%;衰亡期含藻培养液毒性最弱,48 h卤虫死亡率为33%.海洋卡盾藻含藻培养液和除藻过滤液(对数生长期,10 d)的浓度对数与卤虫的死亡机率单位呈线性关系,含藻培养液对卤虫24 h半致死浓度(LD50)为1.92×104cells/mL,而除藻过滤液对卤虫的24 h LD50为3.34×104cells/mL.卤虫在海洋卡盾藻含藻培养液中的暴露时间(48 h内)与死亡率呈线性相关关系,在藻密度为3.75×104cells/mL时,海洋卡盾藻含藻培养液对卤虫的半致死时间(LT50)为17.3 h.
A 12-month program of monitoring potentially toxic microalgae(that produce lipophilic shellfi sh toxins; LSTs) and their toxins in bivalves was conducted from April 2006 to March 2007 in the Nanji Islands, East China Sea. Two Dinophysis species, D. caudata and D. acuminata, were identifi ed, and D. caudat a was found to be the dominant species. D. caudata was detected in water samples between April and June 2006, and between February and March 2007. It reached its highest abundances in May, with a mean abundance of 1.38×10 2 cells/L in surface water and 1.25×10 2 cells/L in bottom water(<10 m deep). The temporal distribution of D. caudata was associated with the occurrence of LSTs in bivalve samples, which mostly occurred at the same time as D. caudata blooms, between April and July 2006. All of the cultured bivalves sampled between April and June were contaminated with LSTs, with an average toxicity of 85 μg okadaic acid(OA) eq./100 g meat, which was four times higher than the Chinese regulatory limit(20 μg OA eq./100 g meat). Ten out of fi fteen wild samples(66.7%) collected during the same period were positive for LSTs, and contained an average LST toxicity of 45 μg OA eq./100 g meat(more than twice the regulatory value). Cultured Patinopecten yessoensis collected on 15 May 2006 had the highest toxicity, 320 μg OA eq./100 g meat, and relatively high toxicities(80 to 160 μg OA eq./100 g meat) were found in bivalves until the end of July.