构建更详细的地图以及估计更精准的相机位姿一直都是同时定位与地图构建(Simultaneous Localization And Mapping,SLAM)技术所追求的目标,但是以上目标与实时性要求、较低的计算代价和受限的计算资源条件是相矛盾的。提出一种在单目ORB-SLAM(Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF-SLAM)方法的基础上利用关键帧中提取到的直线特征进行半稠密三维重建的方法。由ORB-SLAM实时提供一组关键帧及其对应的相机位姿信息和一系列地图点,提出一种关键帧再剔除算法进一步减少冗余帧数目,使用直线段提取方法提取各帧中的直线段,使用纯几何约束方法对以上检测得到的直线段进行匹配,生成一个由直线段构成的半稠密三维场景模型。实验结果表明新方法持续稳定的运行,能在低计算代价条件下快速地在线三维重建。
This paper is concerned with the problem of the full-order observer design for a class of fractional-order Lipschitz nonlinear systems. By introducing a continuous frequency distributed equivalent model and using an indirect Lyapunov approach, the sufficient condition for asymptotic stability of the full-order observer error dynamic system is presented. The stability condition is obtained in terms of LMI, which is less conservative than the existing one. A numerical example demonstrates the validity of this approach.
We describe the design of a multiple maneuvering targets tracking algorithm under the framework of Gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density(PHD) filter.First,a variation of the generalized pseudo-Bayesian estimator of first order(VGPB1) is designed to adapt to the Gaussian mixture PHD filter for jump Markov system models(JMS-PHD).The probability of each kinematic model,which is used in the JMS-PHD filter,is updated with VGPB1.The weighted sum of state,associated covariance,and weights for Gaussian components are then calculated.Pruning and merging techniques are also adopted in this algorithm to increase efficiency.Performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with that of the JMS-PHD filter.Monte-Carlo simulation results demonstrate that the optimal subpattern assignment(OSPA) distances of the proposed algorithm are lower than those of the JMS-PHD filter for maneuvering targets tracking.
Shi-cang ZHANGJian-xun LILiang-bin WUChang-hai SHI