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作品数:2 被引量:4H指数:1


  • 2篇中文期刊文章


  • 2篇天文地球
  • 1篇水利工程


  • 1篇NON-LI...
  • 1篇RAINY
  • 1篇SEASON
  • 1篇THE_YA...
  • 1篇VORTEX
  • 1篇ATMOSP...
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  • 1篇FINE
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  • 1篇BASIN
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  • 2篇Scienc...


  • 1篇2014
  • 1篇2010
2 条 记 录,以下是 1-2
Investigation of fine and complex vortex circulation structures被引量:1
The formation and evolution of fine and complicated vortex circulation structures were investigated using a two-dimensional quasi-geostrophic barotropic model simulation.We find that the highly localized asymmetric and complex configuration of energy transfer flux between large-and small-scale components is caused by the nonlinear interaction between a large-scale vortex with an initial axi-symmetric flow and four beta meso-scale vortices.The complex structure is characterized by a fine pattern,which contains seven closed systems with spatial scales of less than 100 km,embedded in a positive flux wave train and a negative wave train,respectively.The average wind speed decreased with time in the positive flux region,but was nearly unchanged in the negative flux region.This pattern reveals the evolutionary asymmetry and localization of wind speed of the major vortex.The track of the major vortex center has a trend toward the center of the negative flux center,indicating that there is a certain relation between the complex structure of the energy transfer flux and the motion of the major vortex center.These results imply that the formation and evolution of the fine and complex structure should be attributed to the nonlinear interaction between the vortices at different spatial scales.
LUO ZheXian1,MA GeLan1 & PING Fan2 1 Remote Sensing College,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China
A comparative study of the atmospheric circulations associated with rainy-season floods between the Yangtze and Huaihe River Basins被引量:3
Here we present the results from the composite analyses of the atmospheric circulations and physical quantity fields associated with rainy-season for the selected floods cases over the Yangtze and Huaihe River basins for the 21 years(1990–2010),using the daily rain gauge measurements taken in the 756 stations throughout China and the NCEP/reanalysis data for the rainyseasons(June–July)from 1990 to 2010.The major differences in the atmospheric circulations and physical quantity fields between the Yangtze and Huaihe River basins are as follows:for flooding years of the Yangtze River Basin,the South Asia high center is located further east than normal,the blocking high over the Urals and the Sea of Okhotsk maintains,and the Meiyu front is situated near 30°N whereas for flooding years of the Huaihe River Basin,the South Asia high center is further west than normal,the atmospheric circulations over the mid and high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere are of meridional distribution,and the Meiyu front is situated near 33°N.In addition,there are distinct differences in water vapor sources and associated transports between the Yangtze and Huaihe River basins.The water vapor is transported by southwesterly flows from the Bay of Bengal and monsoon flows over the South China Sea for flooding years of the Yangtze River Basin whereas by southeast monsoons from the eastern and southern seas off China and monsoon flows over the South China Sea for flooding years of the Huaihe River Basin.