In order to investigate the protective effects of the overexpression of bcl-xl gene on local cerebral infarction in the transgenic mice subject to permanent occlusion of middle cerebral artery, the models of bcl-xl transgenic mice were established and subjected to cerebral infarction by intraluminal occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. The infarct volume and the neurological scores were observed and comparison between the wild type mice and the transgenic mice was made. It was found that the infarct volume and the neurological scores in the transgenic mice were significantly decreased as compared with those in the wild type mice. It was suggested that the overexpression of bcl-xl gene in transgenic mice could reduce the infarct volume and improve the neurological function of the mice.
利用干细胞的多潜能特性进行移植和替代研究是再生医学的重要内容,利用磁性纳米颗粒对干细胞进行标记并进行磁共振实时动态监测是一种非常有前景的干细胞示踪方法[1-3],我们试图通过对超小型超顺磁性纳米铁颗粒(ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide,USPIO)进行表面修饰后连接Tat穿膜肽,探讨这种方法能否将USPIO带人干细胞内,旨在为干细胞的磁共振示踪寻找一条新途径.