In this paper,we study oriented surfaces of R3 in the context of Laguerre geometry.We construct Laguerre invariants on the non-Dupin developable surfaces,which determine the surfaces up to a Laguerre transformation.Finally,we classify the Laguerre homogeneous surfaces in R3 under the Laguerre transformation groups.
Let x : M →R^n be an umbilical free hypersurface with non-zero principal curvatures. Then x is associated with a Laguerre metric g, a Laguerre tensor L, a Laguerre form C, and a Laguerre second fundamental form B which are invariants of x under Laguerre transformation group. A hypersurface x is called Laguerre isoparametric if its Laguerre form vanishes and the eigenvalues of B are constant. In this paper, we classify all Laguerre isoparametric hypersurfaces in R^4.