Complementary to the conventional experimental studies on N* from πN and γ(*)N reactions, the e+e-, pp and pp collisions can give novel insights into these N* resonances. While the e+e- collisions through production and decay of vector charmonium ψ provide a nice isospin filter for a simultaneously study of N*, △*, ∧*, ∑* and 2*, the pp collisions should be the best place for producing those △*++ with large coupling to p+p though pp →nA*++ reaction, and the pp collisions should be the best place for looking for those N* with large coupling to σN.
A new particle Σ^ * with J ^P = 1/2^-was predicted by unquenched quark models with its mass around the well established Σ * (1385) with J P = 3/2 + .Here we re-examine some old data of the K^-p → Λπ^-π^ + reaction.Firstly we re-fit the data for kaon beam momenta in the range of 1.0 - 1.8 GeV.Secondly we study the reaction at the energies around Λ*(1520) peak.Both studies show evidence for the existence of Σ*with J^ P = 1/2^-around 1380 MeV.Higher statistic data on relevant reactions are needed to clarify the situation.