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  • 7篇中文期刊文章


  • 7篇理学
  • 2篇电子电信


  • 3篇P
  • 2篇QUARK_...
  • 2篇J/Ψ
  • 1篇OBSERV...
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  • 1篇STUDY
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  • 1篇BES
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  • 6篇2010
  • 1篇2009
7 条 记 录,以下是 1-7
Further insights into the “ρπ puzzle”
Based on a systematic investigation of J/ψ(ψ')→VP, where V and P stand for light vector and pseudoscalar mesons, we identify the role played by the electromagnetic (EM) transitions and intermediate meson loop transitions, which are essential ingredients for understanding the J/ψ and ψ' couplings to VP. We show that on the one hand, the EM transitions have relatively larger interferences in ψ'→ρπ and K^*^-K +c.c. as explicitly shown by vector meson dominance (VMD). On the other hand, the strong decay of ψ' receives relatively larger destructive interferences from the intermediate meson loop transitions. By identifying these mechanisms in an overall study of J/ψ(ψ') → VP, we provide a coherent understanding of the so-called "ρπ puzzle".
Isospin violating mechanisms in quarkonium hadronic decays
We analyze the φ meson production in e^+e^- →ωπ^0 as a probe for studying the isospin violation mechanisms. By clarifying the dynamic sources causing the isospin violation, we succeed in quantifying those mechanisms with the help of the recent KLOE data. Hence, the φ→ωπ^0 branching ratio is extracted. We find that apart from the electromagnetic (EM) transitions, the strong transition via intermediate kaon loops plays an important role in understanding the cross section and its lineshape.
Study a_0(980)-f_0(980) mixing in charmonium decays
In this proceeding, we propose to directly measure the a0^0(980)-f0 (980) mixing in J/ψ→φf0(980)→φa0^0(980) and Xc1→π^0a0^0(980) →π^0f0(980) with the upgraded Beijing Electron Positron Collider(BEPCII) with BESIII detector. We show that a narrow peak of about 8 MeV will be produced by the a0^0(980)-f0(980) mixing, and the predominant feature makes it standing out from the background contributions. The predicted branching ratios for these two reactions are both expected to be about O(10^-6), which is unambiguously accessible with 10^9 J/ψ and 3 × 10^8 Xc1 at BESⅢ.
Vector meson rescattering effect in understanding the threshold enhancement observed in J/ψ→γp
We propose one possible mechanism,i.e.,the vector meson (VV) rescattering effects,to interpret the near threshold narrow enhancement observed in J/ψ → γpp.The estimate indicates that these effects can give sizeable contributions to this channel,and a destructive interference between different rescattering amplitudes is required to reproduce the line shape of the data.
Manifestation of intermediate meson loop effects in charmonium decays
We report the progress on understanding some of those existing puzzles in charmonium decays.We show that the intermediate meson loops (IML) as a long-distance transition mechanism will provide novel insights into these issues.In particular,we show that the IML mechanism would be essentially important for understanding the ψ(3770) non-DD decays.We also comment that such a mechanism is correlated with the Okubo-Zweig-Iizuka (OZI) rule evasions in charmonium hadronic decays.
K^-p scattering and hyperon excitations in a chiral quark model
A chiral quark-model approach is employed to study theˉ KN scattering at low energies.The processes of Kˉp → Σ 0 π 0,Λπ 0 andˉ K 0 n at P K 800 MeV/c (i.e.the center mass energy W 1.7 GeV) are investigated.The analysis shows that the Λ(1405)S 01 dominates the processes Kˉp → Σ 0 π 0,ˉ K 0 n in the energy region considered here.Around P K 400 MeV/c,the Λ(1520)D 03 is responsible for a strong resonant peak in the cross section of Kˉp → Σ 0 π 0 andˉ K 0 n.To reproduce the data,an unexpectedly large coupling for Λ(1520)D 03 to KN is needed.In contrast,the coupling for Λ(1670)S 01 to KN appears to be weak,which could be due to configuration mixings between Λ(1405)S 01 and Λ(1670)S 01 .By analyzing Kˉ p → Λπ 0,evidences for two low mass S-wave states,Σ(1480)S 11 and Σ(1560)S 11,seem to be available.With these two states,the reaction Kˉp →ˉ K 0 n can also be described well.However,it is difficult to understand the low masses of Σ(1480)S 11 and Σ(1560)S 11 .The s-channel amplitudes for Kˉp → Λπ 0 are also larger than the naive quark model expectations.The non-resonant background contributions,i.e.t-channel and/or u-channel,also play important roles in the explanation of the angular distributions due to amplitude interferences.
Λ resonances studied in K^-p→Σ~0π~0 in a chiral quark model
A chiral quark-model approach is extended to the study of the KN scattering at low energies. The process of K-p →∑0π0 at PK 〈 800 MeV/c (i.e. the center mass energy W 〈 1.7 GeV) is investigated. The A(1405)S01 dominates the reactions over the energy region considered here. Around PK -- 400 MeV/c, the A(1520)D03 is responsible for a strong resonant peak in the cross section. Our analysis suggests that there exist configuration mixings within the A(1405)S01 and A(1670)S01 as admixtures of the [70,2 1,1/2] and [70,2 8,1/2] configurations. The A(1405)SOl is dominated by [70,2 1, 1/2], and A(1670)Sol by [70,2 8,1/2]. The non-resonant background contributions, i.e. u-channel and t-channel, also play important roles in the explanation of the angular distributions due to amplitude interferences.