Both the tropical Indian and tropical Pacific Oceans are active atmosphere-ocean interactive regions with robust interannual variability, which also constitutes a linkage between the two basins in the mode of variability. Using a global atmosphere- ocean coupled model, we conducted two experiments (CTRL and PC) to explore the contributions of Indian Ocean interannual sea surface temperature (SST) modes to the occurrence of E1 Nino events. The results show that interannual variability of the SST in the Indian Ocean induces a rapid growth of E1 Nino events during the boreal autumn in an E1 Nino developing year. However, it weakens E1 Nino events or even promotes cold phase conversions in an E1 Nino decaying year. Therefore, the en- tire period of the E1 Nino is shortened by the interannual variations of the Indian Ocean SST. Specifically, during the E1 Nino developing years, the positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events force an anomalous Walker circulation, which then enhances the existing westerly wind anomalies over the west Pacific. This will cause a warmer E1 Nino event, with some modulations by ocean advection and oceanic Rossby and Kelvin waves. However, with the onset of the South Asian monsoon, the Indian Ocean Basin (IOB) warming SST anomalies excite low level easterly wind anomalies over the west tropical Pacific during the El Nino decaying years. As a result, the E1 Nino event is prompted to change from a warm phase to a cold phase. At the same time, an associated atmospheric anticyclone anomaly appears and leads to a decreasing precipitation anomaly over the northwest Pacific. In summary, with remote forcing in the atmospheric circulation, the IOD mode usually affects the E1 Nino during the developing years, whereas the IOB mode affects the E1 Nino during the decaying years.
用44 a ERA40再分析资料的土壤湿度和大气环流变量场,研究持续性的欧亚大陆土壤湿度异常对后期北半球大尺度大气环流的反馈作用。首先,运用经验正交函数分解去除ENSO遥相关及趋势影响后,分析了欧亚大陆中高纬度土壤湿度变率主要模态的季节变化特征,及相对应主分量时间序列显示的土壤湿度异常的衰减时间,结果表明土壤湿度异常的主要模态在全年都表现出很好的连续性。其次,对不同季节的连续3个月的月平均土壤湿度和500 h Pa高度场进行滞后最大协方差分析,研究欧亚地区中高纬度土壤湿度异常与北半球大气环流异常之间的线性耦合。第一最大协方差模态的结果表明:全年的主导信号是大气强迫土壤湿度的变化,但在冬季和夏季,大气中类似于负位相北极涛动的环流型与之前月份(最长达4个月)土壤湿度的持续变化显著相关。最后,基于土壤湿度变率中心的回归分析也证实了秋季和春季欧亚土壤湿度,特别是北非副热带,欧亚内陆和西伯利亚地区的土壤湿度异常,分别与其后的冬季和夏季的大气环流显著相关。欧亚大陆土壤湿度异常超前大气环流的信号,将有助于改善冬季和夏季北半球季节气候预报能力。