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15 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Investigation and Verification of the Aerodynamic Performance of a Fan/Booster with Through-flow Method被引量:2
Through-flow method is still widely applied in the revolution of the design of a turbomachinery, which can provide not merely the performance characteristic but also the flow field. In this study,a program based on the through-flow method was proposed, which had been verified by many other numerical examples. So as to improve the accuracy of the calculation, abundant loss and deviation models dependent on the real geometry of engine were put into use,such as: viscous losses,overflow in gaps, leakage from a flow path through seals. By means of this program, the aerodynamic performance of a certain high through-flow commercial fan/booster was investigated. On account of the radial distributions of the relevant parameters, flow deterioration in this machine was speculated. To confirm this surmise, 3-D numerical simulation was carried out with the help of the NUMECA software. Through detailed analysis, the speculation above was demonstrated, which provide sufficient evidence for the conclusion that the through-flow method is an essential and effective method for the performance prediction of the fan/booster.
LIU XiaohengJIN DonghaiGUI Xingmin
为了提高格子的稳定性,使用Hermite展开方法,构建了新的二维四阶紧凑型格子模型,即D2Q37A。比较了D2Q37A和与Philippi给出的紧凑型格子模型(D2Q37B)的稳定性。在相同的碰撞频率下,与D2Q37B相比,D2Q37A可以模拟初始密度比更高的一维激波管流动。这表明D2Q37A与现有格子模型相比,具有更好的稳定性。详细给出了适用于高阶格子模型的边界条件实现方式。此边界条件实现方式保留了体现LBM(lattice Boltmann method)粒子特性的迁移-碰撞机制。用以上给出的格子模型和边界条件处理方式模拟激波管流动,得到的模拟结果和解析解吻合得很好。这表明所给出的边界处理方式是可行的。此边界格式同样可以用于其他类型的流动和边界。
Influence of SPS casing treatment on axial flow compressor subjected to radial pressure distortion被引量:9
The present work is about the stall margin enhancement ability of a kind of stall precursor-suppressed(SPS) casing treatment when fan/compressor suffers from a radial total pressure inlet distortion.Experimental researches are conducted on a low-speed compressor with and without SPS casing treatment under radial distorted inlet flow of different levels as well as uniform inlet flow.The distorted flow fields of different levels are generated by annular distortion flow generators of different heights.The characteristic curves under these conditions are measured and analyzed.The results show that the radial inlet distortion could cause a stall margin loss from 2%to30%under different distorted levels.The SPS casing treatment could remedy this stall margin loss under small distortion level and only partly make up the stall margin loss caused by distortion in large level without leading to perceptible additional efficiency loss and obvious change of characteristic curves.The pre-stall behavior of the compressor is investigated to reveal the mechanism of this stall margin improvement ability of the SPS casing treatment.The results do show that this casing treatment delays the occurrence of rotating stall by weakening the pressure perturbations and suppressing the nonlinear amplification of the stall precursor waves in the compression system.
Li FanyuLi JunDong XuSun DakunSun Xiaofeng
Investigation of Non-Axisymmetric Endwall Contouring in a Compressor Cascade被引量:7
The current paper presents experimental and computational results to assess the effectiveness of non-axisymmetric endwall contouring in a compressor linear cascade. The endwaU was designed by an endwall design optimi- zation platform at 0° incidence (design condition). The optimization method is based on a genetic algorithm. The design objective was to minimize the total pressure losses. The experiments were carried out in a compressor cascade at a low-speed test facility with a Mach number of 0.15. Four nominal inlet flow angles were chosen to test the performance of non-axisymmetric Contoured Endwall (CEW). A five-hole pressure probe with a head diameter of 2 mm was used to traverse the downstream flow fields of the flat-endwall (FEW) and CEW cascades. Both the measured and predicted results indicated that the implementation of CEW results in smaller comer stall, and reduction of total pressure losses. The CEW gets 15.6% total pressure loss coefficient reduction at design condition, and 22.6% at off-design condition (+7° incidence). And the mechanism of the improvement of CEW based on both measured and calculated results is that the adverse pressure gradient (APG) has been reduced through the groove configuration near the leading edge (LE) of the suction surface (SS).
LIU XiwuJIN DonghaiGUI Xingmin
A Similitude Method and the Corresponding Blade Design of a Low-Speed Large-Scale Axial Compressor Rotor被引量:3
A similitude method to model the tip clearance flow in a high-speed compressor with a low-speed model is presented in this paper.The first step of this method is the derivation of similarity criteria for tip clearance flow,on the basis of an inviscid model of tip clearance flow.The aerodynamic parameters needed for the model design are then obtained from a numerical simulation of the target high-speed compressor rotor.According to the aerodynamic and geometric parameters of the target compressor rotor,a large-scale low-speed rotor blade is designed with an inverse blade design program.In order to validate the similitude method,the features of tip clearance flow in the low-speed model compressor are compared with the ones in the high-speed compressor at both design and small flow rate points.It is found that not only the trajectory of the tip leakage vortex but also the interface between the tip leakage flow and the incoming main flow in the high-speed compressor match well with that of its low speed model.These results validate the effectiveness of the similitude method for the tip clearance flow proposed in this paper.
YU ChenghaiMA NingWANG KaiDU JuanVan den Braembussche R.A.LIN Feng
Optimization of endwall contouring in axial compressor S-shaped ducts被引量:10
This paper presents a numerical investigation of the potential aerodynamic benefits of using endwall contouring in a fairly aggressive duct with six struts based on the platform for endwall design optimization.The platform is constructed by integrating adaptive genetic algorithm(AGA), design of experiments(DOE), response surface methodology(RSM) based on the artificial neural network(ANN), and a 3D Navier–Stokes solver.The visual analysis method based on DOE is used to define the design space and analyze the impact of the design parameters on the target function(response).Optimization of the axisymmetric and the non-axisymmetric endwall contouring in an S-shaped duct is performed and evaluated to minimize the total pressure loss.The optimal ducts are found to reduce the hub corner separation and suppress the migration of the low momentum fluid.The non-axisymmetric endwall contouring is shown to remove the separation completely and reduce the net duct loss by 32.7%.
Jin DonghaiLiu XiwuZhao WeiguangGui Xingmin