Four experimental FGH96 alloys with various contents of Hf and Zr (0 and 0.04%, 0.3% and 0.04%, 0.6% and 0. 04%, 0. 3% and 0.06%, respectively) were produced using PREP (plasma rotating electrode process)+ HIP (hot isostatic pressing) route. The unnotched and notched stress-rupture properties and fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) of all the experimental alloys were investigated to study the effect of Hf and Zr. Relevant fracture morphol ogy and microstructure were observed by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The results revealed that appropriate content of Hf could lengthen stress-rupture life, eliminate notch sensitivity and slo wer FCGR. Microstructure analysis showed that the amount of "f phase should be increased or decreased by adjusting Hf and Zr contents, and MC carbide and oxide coupled growth should be increased by adding Hf content, which caused oxycarbide to precipitate along grain boundary and strengthen the alloy. It was found that excessive Zr in Hf- containing FGH96 alloy had certain deleterious effects on stress-rupture property because there was strong Zr segre- gation at prior particle boundary, leaving a long chain of large-size oxides along the boundary. The optimal content of Hf and Zr in FGH96 alloy was 0.6% and 0. 04%, respectively.
利用扫描电镜(SEM)对氩气雾化(argon gas atomization,缩写AA)工艺制备的FGH96高温合金原始粉末颗粒的粘结形式、凝固组织、表面和内部形貌及其形成机理进行研究。结果表明:AA法制备的FGH96合金粉末,在颗粒尺寸d≥40μm时,颗粒之间出现凸起式粘结、包覆式粘结以及葫芦式粘结,其中凸起式粘结是主要的粘结形式。原始粉末颗粒的表面与内部形貌显示,在颗粒尺寸d≤30μm时主要是微晶和胞状晶;当颗粒尺寸d≥30μm时,随着颗粒尺寸增大,组织逐渐由胞状晶向树枝晶转变,并且"多点形核"产生的放射状树枝晶的数量增多。树枝晶的二次枝晶臂距λ与颗粒尺寸d之间呈线性关系:λ=0.766+1.61×10-2 d。粉末凝固冷却速率在103~105 K/s范围,高于传统显微组织的冷却速率,低于产生特殊显微组织的冷却速率;因此出现传统的树枝晶、胞状晶组织,但更加细小,未出现特殊的显微组织,却产生了1~2μm的微晶组织。