Diatom taxa in samples collected from the uppermost 1-cm sediment of the South China Sea (SCS) during cruises in 2000, 2001, and 2007 were investigated. Among them, two genera, Rutilaria and Trigoniurn, and 11 marine taxa (species and varieties) were described for the first time in China. The 11 taxa, Rutilaria radiata, Asterolampra grevillei, Biddulphia turrigera, Cocconeis cyclophora var. decora, Cocconeis ocellata, Dictyoneis rnarginata, Entogonia davyana, Tryblionella campechiana, Plagiogramma kinkeri, Plagiogramma nankoorense and Trigonium cf. contumax, were mainly extant species, although Rutilaria radiata and Entogonia davyana are fossils. Available data show that these species are mainly present in the eastern and western Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. A large number of taxa newly recorded in this study were previously reported in the Philippines. The presence of these taxa in both locations is likely a result of seawater exchange in the SCS through the Bashi Channel Taxonomic descriptions, habitats, and distributions of each diatom taxon are provided herein.
We studied diatom distribution from 62 samples from the uppermost 1 cm of sedimem in the South China Sea (SCS), using grabs or box corers in three cruises between 2001-2007. Fifty six genera, 256 species and their varieties were identified. Dominating species included Coscinodiscus africanus, Coscinodiscus nodulifer, Cyclotella stylorum, Hemidiscus cuneiformis, Melosira sulcata, Nitzschia marina, Roperia tesselata, Thalassionema nitzschioides, Thalassiosira excentrica, and Thalassiothrix longissima. Most surface sediments in the SCS were rich ill diatoms, except for a few coarse samples. Average diatom abundance in the study area was 104 607 valve/g. In terms of the abundance, ecology, and spatial distribution, seven diatom zones (Zones 1-7) were recognized. Zone 1 (northern continental shelf) is affected by warm currents, SCS northern branch of the Kuroshio, and northern coastal currents; Zone 2 (northwestern continental shelf) is affected by intense coastal currents; Zone 3 (Xisha Islands sea area) is a bathyal environment with transitional water masses; Zone 4 (sea basin) is a bathyal-to-deep sea with stable and uniform central water masses in a semi-enclosed marginal sea; Zone 5 (Nansba Islands marine area) is a pelagic environment with relatively high surface temperature; Zone 6 (northern Sunda Shelf) is a tropical shelf environment; and Zone 7 (northern Kalimantan Island shelf area) is affected by warm waters from the Indian Ocean and coastal waters. The data indicate that these diatom zones are closely related to topography, hydrodynamics, temperature, nutrients and especially the salinity. Better understanding of the relationship between diatom distribution and the oceanographic factors would help in the reconstruction of the SCS in the past.