Investigating the spatial and temporal variance in productivity along natural precipitation gradients is one of the most efficient approaches to improve understanding of how ecosystems respond to climate change. In this paper, by using the natural precipitation gradient of the Inner Mongolian Plateau from east to west determined by relatively long-term observations, we analyzed the temporal and spatial dynamics of aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) of the temperate grasslands covering this region. Across this grassland transect, ANPP increased exponentially with the increase of mean annual precipitation (MAP) (ANPP=24.47e0.005MAP, R2=0.48). Values for the three vegetation types desert steppe, typical steppe, and meadow steppe were: 60.86 gm-2a-1, 167.14 gm-2a-1 and 288.73 gm-2a-1 respectively. By contrast, temperature had negative effects on ANPP. The moisture index (K ), which takes into ac- count both precipitation and temperature could explain the spatial variance of ANPP better than MAP alone (ANPP=2020.34K1.24, R2=0.57). Temporally, we found that the inter-annual variation in ANPP (cal- culated as the coefficient of variation, CV) got greater with the increase of aridity. However, this trend was not correlated with the inter-annual variation of precipitation. For all of the three vegetation types, ANPP had greater inter-annual variation than annual precipitation (PPT). Their difference (ANPP CV/PPT CV) was greatest in desert steppe and least in meadow steppe. Our results suggest that in more arid regions, grasslands not only have lower productivity, but also higher inter-annual variation of production. Climate change may have significant effects on the productivity through changes in precipitation pattern, vegetation growth potential, and species diversity.
作为ChinaFLUX的重要组成部分,从2002年年底开始利用涡度协方差技术在长白山温带混交林林冠上层和下层进行连续通量观测,这为量化林冠下层CO2通量对整个森林生态系统碳收支的贡献提供了一条有效途径。利用2003年林冠上层和林冠下层的观测数据,研究表明林冠下层夜间的CO2通量与5 cm深度的土壤温度存在明显的指数正相关关系。林冠下层的呼吸通量与箱式法观测的土壤呼吸通量之间具有很好的一致性(R^2=0.77),二者在全年都与整个森林的光合产物量相耦合,且都在7-8月份达到最大值。林冠下层的呼吸量和土壤呼吸量分别为770 g Cm^-2a^-1和703 g Cm^-2a^-1,占整个森林生态系统呼吸年总量的比重高达59.88%和54.69%。林冠下层的光合作用呈双峰型季节变化,两个峰值分别出现在5月中旬和8月下旬。尽管全年林冠下层光合产物量为87 g Cm^-2a^-1,对整个森林光合产物量的贡献率仅为5.69%,但林冠郁闭度低的4、5月和10月份,林冠下层的光合产物贡献率也分别达到19.99%、21.06%和14.53%。林冠下层净初级生产力的季节动态受该层呼吸作用的季节变异控制,林冠下层在全年都表现为碳源,其净碳排放速率在8月份达到最大。