Two-way packet exchange synchronization scheme has been widely used in wireless sensor networks. However, due to the fact that its synchronization error accumulates rapidly over hop count, its applications are greatly restricted. In this paper, the factors that cause the accumulation of synchronization error over hop count are investigated. Theoretical analysis shows that two factors including the clock drift and the asymmetry of two-way packet exchange, have distinct influences on synchronization error between two adjacent nodes. Further, the clock frequency order along synchronization path is found to be vital to the accumulation of synchronization error. The above three factors jointly determine the accumulation of synchronization error over hop count in wireless network. Theoretic results are also verified by three fine-grained experiments on wireless sensor network testbed. The conclusions can be used to decrease synchronization error for large-scale wireless network by careful network deployment.
无线网络分布式链路调度技术通过发掘无线传输间的复用达到提高吞吐量的目的.链路调度策略的形成需要节点间公平地交互含有如节点ID、队列长度等信息的短报文,并且这些短报文同步传输,导致信道拥挤.由于存在信道空闲侦听开销,在拥挤信道中频繁后退,以及隐藏终端和暴露终端的问题,传统的CSMA/CA(Carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance)协议传输性能低下,难以为分布式无线链路调度技术服务.针对链路调度策略形成期间报文短、信道拥挤以及公平性要求的挑战.提出了一个简单的随机MAC(Media access control)协议DLSOMAC(Distributed link scheduling oriented MAC).DLSOMAC协议没有信道侦听过程,以降低短报文的传输延迟开销;基于分布式息票收集算法,均匀分散传输时刻来降低冲撞概率和提高公平性,以满足分布式链路调度技术对MAC层的需求.用排队论分析了DLSOMAC的报文传输延迟性能.仿真实验表明,在短报文情况下,无论网络负载轻重与否,DLSOMAC协议的报文传输延迟明显优于CSMA/CA,并且报文越短,性能相对越好.即使在长报文的情况下,当网络负载很重时,DLOSMAC协议也稍优于CSMA/CA协议,适合于为自组织网络的分布式链路调度技术服务.
The key purpose of a smart home system is to provide people with a better indoor life experience using the technology of Internet of Things. However,there are some limitations which make the current smart home system impractical,such as high cost,complex installation,poor flexibility and maintainability. In this paper,a novel plug-configure-play ZigB ee-based smart home system is proposed to provide repeatable use and improve flexibility and maintainability with the reductions of cost and complexity,which can be customized and reconfigured without redevelopment. In this system,new sensors can be flexibly added through different interfaces on the ZigB ee nodes and the sensor network layer is transparent to the users. Therefore,by using our method,users can customize and use the smart home system simply by configuring the sensors information via software on the application layer.