To evaluate the fault location and the failure prediction models, simulation-based and code- based experiments were conducted to collect the required failure data. The PIE model was applied to simu- late failures in the simulation-based experiment. Based on syntax and semantic level fault injections, a hy- brid fault injection model is presented. To analyze the injected faults, the difficulty to inject (DTI) and diffi- culty to detect (DTD) are introduced and are measured from the programs used in the code-based experi- ment. Three interesting results were obtained from the experiments: 1) Failures simulated by the PIE model without consideration of the program and testing features are unreliably predicted; 2) There is no obvious correlation between the DTI and DTD parameters; 3) The DTD for syntax level faults changes in a different pattern to that for semantic level faults when the DTI increases. The results show that the parameters have a strong effect on the failures simulated, and the measurement of DTD is not strict.
随着 Web 应用系统的广泛应用,对其质量要求也越来越高。如何进行有效的测试以保证 Web 应用系统的质量是值得关注的研究问题。支持测试用例自动执行的测试执行器(Test runner)是其中的一个热点和难点。文章研究并提出了基于下推自动机的 Web 测试自动执行器,并实现了其原型系统。该执行器支持测试用例的自动执行并给出测试结果报告,并通过 Web 应用测试实例验证了其有效性。