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6 条 记 录,以下是 1-6
文中利用中尺度数值模式MM5模拟了台风泰利的登陆过程,模拟的台风路径、天气形势和降水都与观测基本一致,能够很好地反映出真实的天气过程。再利用数值模拟结果,研究了第二类热成风螺旋度(H_2)对登陆台风泰利降水的诊断能力,结果表明它对深入内陆的台风强降水具有较好的诊断能力,而对刚登陆前后的台风降水诊断能力不如经典螺旋度。特别地,H_2在提前1 h时与泰利降水达到最高相关系数,且在提前1—5 h时,它与降水的相关性比经典螺旋度的高,表现出十分显著的预示降水增幅的能力。进一步分析表明,在刚登陆前后,泰利台风中心850-200 hPa的风场垂直切变较小(约5 m/s),其最强降水出现在路径右侧300 km半径范围以内,与低空的正温度平流、低空辐合、高空辐散等无明显的关系,而低空相对涡度能够很好地反映降水的变化,这是经典螺旋度与降水在这一阶段相关性优于H_2的主要原因。而在深入内陆后,台风泰利本体环流减弱,受北部西风槽的影响逐渐增强,环境风场垂直切变迅速增大,发生强降水的庐山和大别山区处于顺垂直风切变方向左侧。在东北向的垂直风切变情况下,庐山和大别山强降水区上空有向东的高空急流出流,强高空辐散诱发垂直次级环流,从而激发对流,形成强上升运动区,因此H_2的诊断优势在这一阶段表现得最清楚。
Relation of the Second Type Thermal Helicity to Precipitation of Landfalling Typhoons:A Case Study of Typhoon Talim
This study utilized the MM5 mesoscale model to simulate the landfalling process of Typhoon Talim.The simulated typhoon track,weather patterns,and rainfall process are consistent with the observation.Using the simulation results,the relation of the second type thermal helicity(H2) to rainfall caused by the landfalling typhoon Talim was analyzed.The results show that H2 could well indicate the heavy inland rainfall but it did not perform as well as the helicity in predicting rainfall during the beginning stage of the typhoon landfall.In particular,H2 was highly correlated with rainfall of Talim at 1-h lead time.For 1-5-h lead time,it also had a higher correlation with rainfall than the helicity did,and thus showing a better potential in forecasting rainfall intensification.Further analyses have shown that when Talim was in the beginning stage of landfall,1) the 850-200-hPa vertical wind shear around the Talim center was quite small(about 5 m s-1);2) the highest rainfall was to the right of the Talim track and in the area with a 300-km radius around the Talim center,exhibiting no obvious relation to low-level temperature advection,low-level air convergence,and upper-level divergence;3) the low-level relative vorticity reflected the rainfall change quite well,which was the main reason why helicity had a better performance than H2 in this period.However,after Talim moved inland further,1) it weakened gradually and was increasingly affected by the northern trough;2) the vertical wind shear was enhanced as well;3) the left side of the down vertical wind shear lay in the Lushan and Dabieshan mountain area,which could have contributed to triggering a secondary vertical circulation,helping to produce the heavy rainfall over there;hence,H2 showed a better capacity to reflect the rainfall change during this stage.
Convective Asymmetries Associated with Tropical Cyclone Landfall: β-Plane Simulations被引量:1
The physical processes associated with changes in the convective structure of an idealized tropical cyclone (TC) during landfall on a beta-plane were studied using the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University- National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model, version 3 (MM5). The simulation results suggested that the suppression of moisture supply and increased friction acted to enhance the convection from the left and front quadrants of the TC to the front and right of the TC during different periods of landfall. When surface moisture flux was turned off, convection in other parts of the quadrant was clearly suppressed and the total rainfall was reduced. When surface friction was increased, precipitation showed a marked increase after the TC made landfall. Wetter air at low and intermediate levels, and drier air at high levels around the onshore side of the coastline led to a high value of convective available potential energy (CAPE). Consequently, convection was enhanced immediately downstream of this area when the surface moisture flux was cut off. When surface friction was increased, the physical process was similar prior to landfall. After landfall, increased convergence at the onshore side of the land resulted in enhanced convection in front of the TC. Consistent with previous findings, our results suggest that during landfall the TC structure changes from one of thermodynamic symmetry to asymmetry due to differential moisture flux between the land and sea surface. The asymmetry of the thermodynamic structure, which can be explained by the distribution of CAPE, causes an asymmetric rainfall structure.
Mesoscale Vortex Generation and Merging Process: A Case Study Associated with a Post-Landfall Tropical Depression被引量:7
An observational analysis of satellite blackbody temperature (TBB) data and radar images suggests that the mesoscale vortex generation and merging process appeared to be essential for a tropical-depression-related heavy rain event in Shanghai, China. A numerical simulation reproduced the observed mesoscale vortex generation and merging process and the corresponding rain pattern, and then the model outputs were used to study the related dynamics through diagnosing the potential vorticity (PV) equation. The tropical depression (TD) was found to weaken first at lower levels and then at upper levels due to negative horizontal PV advection and diabatic heating effects. The meso-vortices developed gradually, also from the lower to the upper levels, as a result of positive horizontal PV advection and diabatic heating effects in the downshear left quadrant of the TD. One of these newly-generated vortices, V1, replaced the TD ultimately, while the other two, V2 and V3, merged due to the horizontal PV advection process. Together with the redevelopment of V1, the merging of V2 and V3 triggered the very heavy rain in Shanghai.
喻自凤梁旭东余晖Johnny C. L. CHAN