The Box-Cox transformation model has been widely used in applied econometrics, positive accounting, positive finance and statistics. There is a large literature on Box-Cox transformation model with linear structure. However, there is seldom seen on the discussion for such a model with partially linear structure. Considering the importance of the partially linear model, in this paper, a relatively simple semi-parametric estimation procedure is proposed for the Box-Cox transformation model without presuming the linear functional form and without specifying any parametric form of the disturbance, which largely reduces the risk of model misspecification. We show that the proposed estimator is consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. Its covariance matrix is also in a closed form, which can be easily estimated. Finally, a simulation study is conducted to see the finite sample performance of our estimator.
管理控制系统(management control system,以下简称MCS)被视为企业在激烈竞争环境下提升自身业绩的良好应对机制。文章基于一项问卷调查,运用结构方程模型,考察了市场竞争强度、MCS与企业业绩三者之间的关系,以实证方法检测竞争环境下MCS影响企业业绩的具体机制。研究发现,市场竞争强度的增加使企业愿意更多地运用MCS;MCS的使用也有利于提升企业的内部经营业绩及客户与市场业绩;市场竞争强度对企业业绩无直接影响,但通过MCS这一媒介可对企业业绩产生间接的正向效应。