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4 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating and its geological significance of Chibaisong gabbro in Tonghua area,Jilin Province,China被引量:14
SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating for Chibaisong No.1 gabbro in the Tonghua area, Jilin Prov- ince, is discussed in the paper. The cathodoluminescence (CL) images of the zircons indicate that they can be divided into two major types, i.e. euhedral-subhedral one with striped absorption and round one with obvious oscillatory zoning rims. The dating results of the zircons suggest that Chibai- song gabbro in the Tonghua area was formed at 134±7Ma—the Early Cretaceous. The concordia ages of 2497±13Ma, 787±35Ma, 321±10Ma, 217±11Ma of zircons imply that the Tonghua area might geologically be located in the convergent region of the Yangtze Block (YB) and the North China Block (NCB) in the early Mesozoic and the zircons should be caught during magma intrusion. The existence of the Early Cretaceous basic dyke swarm in the Tonghua area shows that an intensive extensional environment occurred in the Early Cretaceous. It is suggested that the magmatism and lithospheric extension in the Tonghua area should be related to the subduction of the Pacific plate.
PEI Fuping XU Wenliang YANG Debin ZHAO Quanguo
Poisson's ratio of eclogite: Implications for lower crustal delamination of orogens被引量:5
Laboratory measurements of combined P- and S-wave-velocities of eclogite from the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt and from literature data show a significant increase of Poisson抯 ratio of eclogite with its intrinsic water content H2O+ and thus the degree of hydration. Unaltered eclogites with H2O+<1.0% have an average Poisson抯 ratio between 0.24 and 0.25, which is identical to that calculated from single crystal elastic properties but lower than the averages (0.270.02) of measurements compiled by previous studies. Thus, the Poisson抯 ratio of unaltered eclogites is considerably lower than that of lower crustal mafic granulite and upper mantle peridotite. The lower crust and upper mantle of the Dabie ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt, the northern and southern parts of the Tibetan Plateau as well as the central Andes, where eclogite may have formed during Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonism, are characterized by the Poisson抯 ratio >0.26. This, together with their normal upper mantle P-wave velocities, implies that eclogites are no longer an important component of the present-day lower crust and upper mantle of these subduction-collision belts. Combined with age constraints on eclogite-facies metamor- phism and subsequent exhumation, this in turn suggests that the interval from formation to delamination of eclogites is confined to a very short period of <15 Ma.
高山Hartmut Kern金振民张宏飞张本仁
Determination of U-Pb age and rare earth element concentrations of zircons from Cenozoic intrusions in northeastern China by laser ablation ICP-MS被引量:262
Using the in situ zircon U-Pb dating method of LA-ICPMS, we analyzed the 31 Ma old SHRIMP U-Pb age of the Yongsheng nepheline syenite from southern Jilin Province under different spot sizes. The obtained ages are comparable with that of SHRIMP in both accuracy and precision. The age is also identical to that of the Yinmawanshan gabbro from the Liaodong Peninsula within error. Both the Yongsheng nepheline syenite and the Yinmawanshan gabbro represent the youngest known exposed intrusions in northeastern and even eastern China. The results indicate the Eocene mantle-derived magmatic underplating, and the rapid crustal uplifting of this region since 30 Ma. The analyses also document extremely high LREE concentrations and relatively flat REE patterns for the zircons from the Yongsheng nepheline syenite, which represent a new type of zircon REE pattern.
YUAN HonglinWU FuyuanGAO ShanLIU XiaomingXU PingSUN Deyou
Geochemistry of high-Mg andesites from the early Cretaceous Yixian Formation, western Liaoning: Implications for lower crustal delamination and Sr/Y variations被引量:19
85 volcanic rocks of the Yixian Formation from the Sihetun type section werecollected and analyzed for geochemical and isotopic compositions. Major element compositionsindicate that the Sihetun volcanic rocks are high magnesium andesites with some basalts occurring atthe bottom of section. The Sihetun high magnesium andesites (SiO_2 = 52.82-59.31 wt%, Al_2O_3=14.15-16.35wt%) show many characteristics of adakites such as depletion in heavy rare-earth elements(HREE; Yb = 1.03-1.88 μg/g) and Y(12-20 μg/g) and high Sr (620-1323 μg/g) and Sr/Y(32-88), withhigh La_N/Yb_N ratio (10-25). They share similar major and trace element characteristics to volcanicrocks from the Xinglonggou Formation except their lower Nd isotope ratios (^(143)Nd/^(144)Nd(130Ma) = 0.5118-0.5119, ε_(Nd) (130Ma) = -11.6-13.8, ^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr (130 Ma) = 0.7058-0.7064.They were interpreted in a way that eclogite that formed at the base of thickened Archean lowercrust of the North China craton foundered into the convecting mantle and subsequently melted andinteracted with peridotite. However, compared to the Xinglonggou volcanic rocks, the source of theSihetun magma contained more ancient continental crustal material in order to explain its evolved Ndisotopes. The age of the Sihetun Formation was 120 to 130 Ma, and this indicates that delaminationlasted to the early Cretaceous period. The Sr contents and Sr/Y ratios of the Sihetun high-Mgandesites show significant negative correlations with SiO_2 for samples with SiO_2 > 56%. Thesesuggest that the Sr and Sr/Y values were reduced due to fractional crystallization of plagioclase.Accordingly, the effect of crystallization on volcanic Sr and Sr/Y ratio has to be taken intoaccount.
WANG Xiaorui1, GAO Shan1,2, LIU Xiaoming1, YUAN Honglin1, HU Zhaochu1, ZHANG Hong1,3 & WANG Xuance4 1. State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi`an 710069, China
<正> 许多同位素和微量元素体系在地幔熔融过程中是不相容的,因此会在熔体/流体中高度富集,而在残留橄榄岩中高度亏损。因此,由亏损地幔熔融出的幔源玄武岩中的不相容元素组成易于受到地壳混染或地幔交代作用的影响,而往往难以识别...