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16 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Micro-sized and Nano-sized Fe_3O_4 Particles as Anode Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries被引量:7
Micro-sized(1030.3±178.4 nm) and nano-sized(50.4±8.0 nm) Fe3O4 particles have been fabricated through hydrogen thermal reduction of α-Fe2O3 particles synthesized by means of a hydrothermal process.The morphology and microstructure of the micro-sized and the nano-sized Fe3O4 particles were characterized by X-ray diffraction,field-emission gun scanning electron microscopy,transmission electron microscopy and highresolution electron microscopy.The micro-sized Fe3O4 particles exhibit porous structure,while the nano-sized Fe3O4 particles are solid structure.Their electrochemical performance was also evaluated.The nano-sized solid Fe3O4 particles exhibit gradual capacity fading with initial discharge capacity of 1083.1 mAhg-1 and reversible capacity retention of 32.6% over 50 cycles.Interestingly,the micro-sized porous Fe3O4 particles display very stable capacity-cycling behavior,with initial discharge capacity of 887.5 mAhg-1 and charge capacity of 684.4 mAhg-1 at the 50th cycle.Therefore,77.1% of the reversible capacity can be maintained over 50 cycles.The micro-sized porous Fe3O4 particles with facile synthesis,good cycling performance and high capacity retention are promising candidate as anode materials for high energy-density lithium-ion batteries.
Fatigue damage behavior of a surface-mount electronic package under different cyclic applied loads
This paper studies and compares the effects of pull-pull and 3-point bending cyclic loadings on the mechanical fa- tigue damage behaviors of a solder joint in a surface-mount electronic package. The comparisons are based on experimental investigations using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in-situ technology and nonlinear finite element modeling, respec- tively. The compared results indicate that there are different threshold levels of plastic strain for the initial damage of solder joints under two cyclic applied loads; meanwhile, fatigue crack initiation occurs at different locations, and the accumulation of equivalent plastic strain determines the trend and direction of fatigue crack propagation. In addition, simulation results of the fatigue damage process of solder joints considering a constitutive model of damage initiation criteria for ductile materials and damage evolution based on accumulating inelastic hysteresis energy are identical to the experimental results. The actual fatigue life of the solder joint is almost the same and demonstrates that the FE modeling used in this study can provide an accurate prediction of solder joint fatigue failure.
Experimental and theoretical analyses of package-on-package structure under three-point bending loading
High density packaging is developing toward miniaturization and integration, which causes many difficulties in designing, manufacturing, and reliability testing. Package-on-Package (POP) is a promising three-dimensional high- density packaging method that integrates a chip scale package (CSP) in the top package and a fine-pitch ball grid array (FBGA) in the bottom package. In this paper, in-situ scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observation is carried out to detect the deformation and damage of the PoP structure under three-point bending loading. The results indicate that the cracks occur in the die of the top package, then cause the crack deflection and bridging in the die attaching layer. Furthermore, the mechanical principles are used to analyse the cracking process of the PoP structure based on the multi-layer laminating hypothesis and the theoretical analysis results are found to be in good agreement with the experimental results.
在先进封装中器件小型化的趋势下,焊点所处的服役环境越加苛刻,这对焊点材料提出了更高的可靠性要求。为保证微小尺寸焊点的可靠性,具有较强扩散阻挡能力的铁镍、铁镍磷和镍钴磷等合金作为新型凸点下金属层(Under bump metallization,UBM)应用。同时,微量元素对焊料合金力学性能、润湿性及界面化合物生长的调节作用也被广泛研究,以指导新型焊料的制备。与此同时,可靠性分析技术发展迅速。高精度的三维X射线显微镜(Three dimensional X-ray microscopy,3D-XRM)和超声波扫描显微镜(Scanning acoustic microscopy,SAM)等先进无损分析技术在界面表征、缺陷快速定位上的得到广泛应用;透射电镜(Transmission electron microscopy,TEM)、电子探针(Electron probe micro-analysis,EPMA)和背散射电子衍射(Electron back-scattered diffraction,EBSD)等前沿技术填补了纳米尺度表征以及未知物相鉴定等技术空白。随着可靠性分析能力的提高,材料在高温、温度循环、机械应力、电流等常见的单场应力下的失效行为和机理研究日趋成熟。由于多物理场耦合的形式更接近小尺寸焊点实际的工作应力状态,其失效行为机理以及寿命模型逐渐成为研究热点。
Inhibition of Electromigration in Eutectic SnBi Solder Interconnect by Plastic Prestraining
Plastic prestraining was applied to a solder interconnect to introduce internal defects such as dislocations in order to investigate the interaction of dislocations with electromigration damage. Above a critical prestrain, Bi interfacial segregation to the anode, a clear indication of electromigration damage in SnBi solder inter- connect, was effectively prevented. Such an inhibiting effect is apparently contrary to the common notion that dislocations often act as fast diffusion paths. It is suggested that the dislocations introduced by plastic prestraining acted as sinks for vacancies in the early stage of the electromigration process, but as the vacancies accumulated at the dislocations, climb of those dislocations prompted recovery of the deformed samples under current stressing, greatly decreasing the density of dislocation and vacancy in the solder, leading to slower diffusion of Bi atoms.
X.F. ZhangH.Y. LiuJ.D. GuoJ.K. Shang
Effect of Fe Content on the Interfacial Reliability of SnAgCu/Fe—Ni Solder Joints
Fe-Ni films with compositions of Fe-75Ni, Fe-50Ni, and Fe-30Ni were used as under bump metallization (UBM) to evaluate the interracial reliability of SnAgCu/Fe-Ni solder joints through ball shear test, high temperature storage, and temperature cycling. The shear strengths for Fe-75Ni, Fe-5ONi, and Fe-3ONi solder joints after reflow were 42.57, 53.94 and 53.98 MPa, respectively, which were all satisfied the requirement of industrialization (〉34.3 MPa). High temperature storage was conducted at 150, 175 and 200 ℃. It was found that higher Fe content in Fe-Ni layer had the ability to inhibit the mutual diffusion at interface region below 150 ℃, and the growth speed of intermetallic compound (IMC) decreased with increasing Fe concentration. When stored at 200 ℃, the IMC thickness reached a limit for all three films after 4 days, and some cracks occurred at the interface between IMC and Fe-Ni layer. The activation energies for the growth of FeSn2 on Fe-30Ni, Fe-5ONi, and Fe-75Ni films were calculated as 246, 185, and 81 kJ/mol, respectively. Temperature cycling tests revealed that SnAgCu/Fe-5ONi solder joint had the lowest failure rate (less than 10%), and had the best interfacial reliability among three compositions.
Hao ZhangQing-Sheng ZhuZhi-Quan LiuLi ZhangHongyan GuoChi-Ming Lai
An organic junction between the vein and membrane of the dragonfly wing被引量:9
A dragonfly wing consists of membranes and both longitudinal and cross veins.We observed the microstructure cross-section at several locations in the dragonfly wing using environmental scanning electron microscopy(ESEM).The organic nature of the junction between the vein and the membrane was clearly identifiable.The membrane was divided into two layers,the upper epidermis and the lower epidermis.These layers extend around the sandwich structure vein,and combine with the adjacent membrane at a symmetrical location along the vein.Thus,we defined this as an organic junction between the vein and the membranes. The organic junction is able to form a tight corrugation angle,which dramatically increases both the warping rigidity and the strength of the wing,but not the torsional rigidity.The torsional deformation is primarily controlled by the microstructure of the longitudinal veins,and is based on the relative rotation angle between the epidermal layer and the inner layer of the vein that forms the zigzag section.
CHEN YingLong WANG XiShu REN HuaiHui LI XuDong
First-principles Investigation of Bi Segregation at the Solder Interface of Cu/Cu_3Sn(010)被引量:1
Density functional theory was employed to investigate the bismuth segregation at Cu/Cu3Sn(010) interface. Five initial constructions were introduced by adopting the adhesion energy criterion. Among them, the so-called "between-Cu" construction in which the interface Cu atoms of Cu slab locate along Cu-Cu bond direction in Cu3Sn slab was found to be the most energy-favored at an adhesion energy of 1.96 J/m^2. Based on this construction, five possible segregation sites were examined, and the most likely segregation site was determined with adhesion energy as low as 1.06 J/m^2, which was almost half of the initial one. Comparing with other sitest adhesion energies, it was concluded that size effect took a large part in embrittlement. The analyses of atomic structure and electronic density revealed that the slabs shifted away from interfaces due to bismuth segregation, and the atoms around Bi atom were Dressed away. This calculated work agreed aualitativelv with reported experimental results.
X.Y. PangZ.Q. LiuS.Q. WangJ.K. Shang
Tunable Reactive Wetting of Sn on Microporous Cu Layer被引量:1
Wetting of microporous Cu layer by liquid Sn resulted in contact angles from 0 to 33 deg., tunable by varying wetting temperature and porous microstructure. The wetting was dominated by the interracial metallurgical reaction, which can lead to pore closure phenomenon, as the liquid infiltration facilitating the wetting process.
Qingquan LaiLei ZhangCai ChenJ.K.Shang
Synthesis of Single-Crystal TiO_2 Nanowire Using Titanium Monoxide Powder by Thermal Evaporation
TiO 2 nanowires were synthesized successfully in a large quantity by thermal evaporation using titanium monoxide powder as precursor. X-ray diffraction results showed that all the products were pure rutile phase of TiO 2 . According to microstructural observations, the nanowires have two typical morphologies, a long straight type and a short tortuous type. The straight nanowires were obtained at a wide temperature range of 900–1050 ℃, while the tortuous ones were formed below 900 ℃. Transmission electron microscopy characterization revealed that both the straight and the tortuous nanowires are single-crystal rutile TiO 2 . The preferential growth direction of the nanowires was determined as [110] orientation according to electron diffraction and high-resolution image analyses. The morphological change of TiO 2 nanowires was discussed by considering the different atomic diffusion rates of Ti atoms caused by the phase transformation in Ti substrate at around 900 ℃.