对290 A MeV ^(12)C诱发乳胶重靶核反应靶核蒸发碎片及靶核反冲质子在发射角空间及方位角空间的两粒子、三粒子短程关联进行了实验研究.结果表明290 A MeV ^(12)C诱发乳胶重靶核反应靶核蒸发碎片和靶核反冲质子在发射角空间及方位角空间发射过程中存在两粒子短程关联,在实验误差范围内不存在明显的三粒子短程关联.
The projected angular distribution and transverse momentum distribution of proton projectile fragments produced in 3.7A GeV 160, 500A MeV 56Fe, and 1.7A GeV S4Kr induced by different kinds of emulsion target (H, CNO, and AgBr) interactions are investigated. It is found that the projected angular distribution and transverse momentum distribution can be well represented by a single Gaussian distribution. Comparison of transverse momentum distribution with the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution reveals that proton projectile fragments are emitted from a single-temperature emission source. The temperature is different for different colliding systems, and linearly depends on the target size.
The total charge-changing cross sections and partial cross sections for the production of projectile fragments are measured in the interactions of 400 A MeV 20 Ne with aluminum,carbon and polyethylene targets sandwiched with CR-39 plastic nuclear track detectors.The measured total charge-changing cross sections are compared with the predictions using the Bradt-Peters semi-empirical formula,and the NUCFRAG2 and PHITS models.It is shown that the measured experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical model prediction and other experimental results,and it can be clearly seen that the partial cross sections for fragment production show obvious odd-even effects.
本文对最高能量为500 A MeV的^(40)Ar与铜靶作用弹核碎裂电荷变化总截面及碎片产生分截面进行了实验研究,并与相近能区^(40)Ar诱发铜靶核碎裂的实验结果及理论模型计算结果进行了比较.结果表明:电荷变化总截面与相近能区实验结果一致,也与Bradt-Peters及Nilsen半经验公式预言一致;NUCFRG2和PHITS模型预言低于实验结果.弹核碎片产生分截面在所研究的能区范围与束流能量没有明显依赖关系,EPAX3及FRACS半经验参数化公式可以较好地再现实验结果.