Software testing coverage criteria play an important role in the whole testing process.The current coverage criteria for web applications are based on program or URL.They are not suitable for black-box test or intuitional to use.This paper defines a kind of test criteria based on page coverage sequences only navigated by web application,including Page_Single,Page_Post,Page_Pre,Page_Seq2,Page_SeqK.The test criteria based on page coverage sequences made by interactions between web application and browser are being under consideration after that.In order to avoid ambiguity of natural language,these coverage criteria are depicted using Z formal language.The empirical result shows that the criteria complement traditional coverage and fault detection capability criteria.
网格环境下的程序设计方法是当前研究的难点之一。网格服务的概念很好地屏蔽了网格资源的异构性,其提供统一的接口便于构建网格上的虚拟组织。基于QoS(Quality of Service)的服务使得为网格计算构建经济模型成为可能。考虑到BSP(Bu lk-Synchronous Parallelism)并行计算模型具有程序性能可预测的优点和多Agent技术在开放环境中的灵活性,提出了网格环境下的ServiceBSP程序设计方法。该方法有助于网格服务相互协同,为开发可预测时间和经济开销的网格应用提供了可能。
This paper proposes a performance prediction model for grid computing model ServiceBSP to support developing high quality applications in grid environment. In ServiceBSP model, the agents carrying computing tasks are dispatched to the local domain of the selected computation services. By using the IP (integer program) approach, the Service Selection Agent selects the computation services with global optimized QoS (quality of service) consideration. The performance of a ServiceBSP application can be predicted according to the performance prediction model based on the QoS of the selected services. The performance prediction model can help users to analyze their applications and improve them by optimized the factors which affects the performance. The experiment shows that the Service Selection Agent can provide ServiceBSP users with satisfied QoS of applications.