This paper studies a robust output regulation problem with nonlinear exosystems without the assumption that the solution to the regulator equations along the trajectory of the exosystems should be polynomial. Based on the extended concepts of steady-state generator and internal model, a set of sufficient conditions for the solvability of the problem are given. Thus, the result developed in this paper can allow the robust output regulation problem with nonlinear exosystems to accommodate much more general nonlinear given plants including those which contain nonpolynomial nonlinearity.
This paper studies the global robust output regulation problem for lower triangular systems subject to nonlinear exosystems. By employing the internal model approach, this problem can be boiled down to a global robust stabilization problem of a time-varying nonlinear system in the cascade-connected form. Then, a set of sufficient conditions for the solvability of the problem is derived, and thus, leading to the solution to the global robust output regulation problem. An application of the main result of this paper is also proposed.