A graph is 1-planar if it can be drawn on a plane so that each edge is crossed by at most one other edge. A plane graph with near independent crossings (say NIC-planar graph) is a 1-planar graph with the restriction that for any two crossings the four crossed edges are incident with at most one common vertex. The full characterization of NIC-planar complete and complete multipartite graphs is given in this paper.
In this paper, we prove that 2-degenerate graphs and some planar graphs without adjacent short cycles are group (△ (G)+1)-edge-choosable, and some planar graphs with large girth and maximum degree are group △(G)-edge-choosable.
Let G be a graph which can be embedded in a surface of nonnegative Euler characteristic.In this paper,it is proved that the total chromatic number of G is △(G)+1 if △(G)9,where △(G)is the maximum degree of G.