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作品数:5 被引量:37H指数:3


  • 4篇期刊文章
  • 1篇会议论文


  • 2篇自动化与计算...
  • 2篇理学
  • 1篇轻工技术与工...
  • 1篇交通运输工程


  • 2篇OPTIMI...
  • 2篇TRAIN
  • 1篇MULTI
  • 1篇NEG
  • 1篇NETWOR...
  • 1篇NEURAL
  • 1篇NEW
  • 1篇OUTPUT...
  • 1篇STABIL...
  • 1篇STATE
  • 1篇ADAPTI...
  • 1篇BASED_...
  • 1篇CONSTR...
  • 1篇EFFICI...
  • 1篇EVOLUT...
  • 1篇HETERO...
  • 1篇MODEL
  • 1篇HOMOGE...
  • 1篇INPUT
  • 1篇FUNDAM...


  • 3篇Chines...
  • 1篇Contro...


  • 3篇2015
  • 2篇2014
5 条 记 录,以下是 1-5
A new collision avoidance model for pedestrian dynamics被引量:3
The pedestrians can only avoid collisions passively under the action of forces during simulations using the social force model, which may lead to unnatural behaviors. This paper proposes an optimization-based model for the avoidance of collisions, where the social repulsive force is removed in favor of a search for the quickest path to destination in the pedestrian's vision field. In this way, the behaviors of pedestrians are governed by changing their desired walking direction and desired speed. By combining the critical factors of pedestrian movement, such as positions of the exit and obstacles and velocities of the neighbors, the choice of desired velocity has been rendered to a discrete optimization problem. Therefore,it is the self-driven force that leads pedestrians to a free path rather than the repulsive force, which means the pedestrians can actively avoid collisions. The new model is verified by comparing with the fundamental diagram and actual data. The simulation results of individual avoidance trajectories and crowd avoidance behaviors demonstrate the reasonability of the proposed model.
Semi-tensor product approach to networked evolutionary games被引量:18
In this paper a comprehensive introduction for modeling and control of networked evolutionary games (NEGs) via semi-tensor product (STP) approach is presented. First, we review the mathematical model of an NEG, which consists of three ingredients: network graph, fundamental network game, and strategy updating rule. Three kinds of network graphs are considered, which are i) undirected graph for symmetric games; ii) directed graph for asymmetric games, and iii) d-directed graph for symmetric games with partial neighborhood information. Three kinds of fundamental evolutionary games (FEGs) are discussed, which are i) two strategies and symmetric (S-2); ii) two strategies and asymmetric (A-2); and iii) three strategies and symmetric (S-3). Three strategy updating rules (SUR) are introduced, which are i) Unconditional Imitation (UI); ii) Fermi Rule(FR); iii) Myopic Best Response Adjustment Rule (MBRA). First, we review the fundamental evolutionary equation (FEE) and use it to construct network profile dynamics (NPD)of NEGs. To show how the dynamics of an NEG can be modeled as a discrete time dynamics within an algebraic state space, the fundamental evolutionary equation (FEE) of each player is discussed. Using FEEs, the network strategy profile dynamics (NSPD) is built by providing efficient algorithms. Finally, we consider three more complicated NEGs: i) NEG with different length historical information, ii) NEG with multi-species, and iii) NEG with time-varying payoffs. In all the cases, formulas are provided to construct the corresponding NSPDs. Using these NSPDs, certain properties are explored. Examples are presented to demonstrate the model constructing method, analysis and control design technique, and to reveal certain dynamic behaviors of NEGs.
Daizhan CHENGHongsheng QIFehuang HETingting XUHairong DONG
Multi-objective Train Trajectory Design Based on Dynamic Programming
The optimization of train trajectory plays a critical role in the improvement of operational performance of tr...
Hairong DongLingying ZhangYao ChenBin NingWeiqi Bai
Cooperative adaptive bidirectional control of a train platoon for efficient utility and string stability被引量:7
This paper proposes cooperative adaptive control schemes for a train platoon to improve efficient utility and guarantee string stability. The control schemes are developed based on a bidirectional strategy, i.e., the information of proximal(preceding and following) trains is used in the controller design. Based on available proximal information(prox-info) of location, speed, and acceleration, a direct adaptive control is designed to maintain the tracking interval at the minimum safe distance. Based on available prox-info of location, an observer-based adaptive control is designed to achieve the same target, which alleviates the requirements of equipped sensors to measure prox-info of speed and acceleration. The developed schemes are capable of on-line estimating of the unknown system parameters and stabilizing the closed-loop system, the string stability of train platoon is guaranteed on the basis of Lyapunov stability theorem. Numerical simulation results are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control laws.
高士根董海荣宁滨Roberts Clive陈磊孙绪彬
Neural adaptive chaotic control with constrained input using state and output feedback被引量:1
This paper presents neural adaptive control methods for a class of chaotic nonlinear systems in the presence of constrained input and unknown dynamics. To attenuate the influence of constrained input caused by actuator saturation, an effective auxiliary system is constructed to prevent the stability of closed loop system from being destroyed. Radial basis function neural networks(RBF-NNs) are used in the online learning of the unknown dynamics, which do not require an off-line training phase. Both state and output feedback control laws are developed. In the output feedback case, high-order sliding mode(HOSM) observer is utilized to estimate the unmeasurable system states. Simulation results are presented to verify the effectiveness of proposed schemes.