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国家自然科学基金(G61074068) 作品数:2 被引量:9 H指数:2 相关作者: 王玉振 马世敏 孙丽瑛 更多>> 相关机构: 山东大学 济南大学 更多>> 发文基金: 国家教育部博士点基金 国家自然科学基金 山东省自然科学基金 更多>> 相关领域: 自动化与计算机技术 更多>>
Optimal Finite-horizon Control Problem of Context-sensitive Probabilistic Boolean Networks with Perturbation <正>This paper investigates the optimal finite-horizon control problem of context-sensitive probabilistic Boole... Liu Zhenbin~(1关键词:CONTEXT-SENSITIVE PERTURBATION 文献传递 一类广义Hamilton系统的有限时间稳定性及其在仿射非线性系统控制设计中的应用 被引量:7 2011年 研究了一类广义Hamilton系统的有限时间稳定性及其在仿射非线性系统控制设计中的应用,并给出几个新结果。利用Hamilton系统的结构特性和已有的关于局部有限时间稳定的结果,给出该类Hamilton系统有限时间稳定的几个判定准则。把得到的新结果应用于仿射非线性系统的有限时间控制设计中。通过选取恰当的Hamil-ton函数,并利用正交分解Hamilton实现及阻尼注入技术,为一类仿射非线性系统设计了一类有限时间控制器。给出两个例子以验证本文结论的有效性。 马世敏 王玉振关键词:有限时间稳定性 HAMILTON系统 Controller Design of Multi-variables Fuzzy Control Systems This paper presents the analysis and design of multi-variables fuzzy logic controller(FLC) based on the semi-t... GE Aidong~(1关键词:MULTI-VARIABLES General Logical Expression of k-valued and Mix-valued Pseudo-logical Functions <正>This paper investigates the general logical expression of fc-valued and mix-valued pseudo-logical functions... Liu Zhenbin~(1文献传递 Disturbance Decoupling of Multi-valued Logical Networks <正>This paper addresses the disturbance decoupling problem(DDP) of multi-valued logical networks by using the ... LIU Zhenbin~(1,2),WANG Yuzhen~1,LI Haitao~1 1.School of Control Science and Engineering,Shandong University,Jinan,250061,P.R.China 2.School of Science and Information Science,Qingdao Agricultural University,Qingdao,266109,P.R.China关键词:CONTROLLER Input-to-state Stability for a Class of Nonlinear Switched Systems by Minimum Dwell Time Method <正>This paper investigates the input-to-state stability for a class of nonlinear switched systems.First,a mini... GUO Rongwei~(1文献传递 Directional derivatives of multi-valued logical functions <正>In this paper,we consider directional derivatives of multi-valued logical functions.First,we give a definit... LIU Zhenbin WANG Yuzhen文献传递 Finite Time Stability Analysis for Nonlinear Fractional Order Differential Systems The finite time stability of nonlinear fractional order differential systems is investigated in this paper.Two... ZHAO Yige WANG Yuzhen LIU ZhenbinSimultaneous Stabilization of Boolean Control Networks via Semi-tensor Product Method <正>The simultaneous stabilization of a collection of Boolean control networks(BCN) is investigated in this pap... LI Haitao~1,WANG Yuzhen~1,LIU Zhenbin~(1,2) 1.School of Control Science and Engineering,Shandong University,Jinan,250061,P.R.China 2.School of Science and Information Science,Qingdao Agricultural University,Qingdao,266109,P.R.China文献传递 一类非线性奇异Hamilton系统的H_∞控制 被引量:2 2010年 文中研究了一类非线性奇异Hamilton系统的稳定性和H_∞控制问题.基于该系统的结构特征,首先应用严格系统等价理论将该系统等价地转化为非线性耗散Hamilton微分代数系统,接着在此耗散形式下,研究非线性奇异Hamilton系统的稳定性问题并设计它的H_∞控制器,最后给出一个非线性电路系统的仿真实例. 孙丽瑛 王玉振关键词:稳定性