Diabase dyke swarms are widespread in the East Tianshan and Beishan regions. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb ages of these diabase vary from 305 Ma to 278 Ma, showing that these dykes were formed during Late Carboniferous-Early Permian magmatism. All diabase samples are subalkali calc-alkali, characterized by slight LREE and LILEs enrichment, and weak negative Ti, Nb and Ta anomalies. The diabase samples have positive *'Nd(t)values (〉+3), high Sr isotopic compositions (initial 87Sr/S6Sr values=0.7030-0.7097), and large variation of Pb isotopic compositions, indicating they were derived from a deplete mantle source. Regional geology and geochemistry evidences indicate that these diabase dyke swarms were generated in a lithosphere extensional setting and had the same magma sources. Initial magmas may be a mixture of depleted asthenosphere mantle and enriched lithospheric mantle during rapid magma ascending.
ZHANG ZuohengCHAI FengmeiWANG TuanhuaCHENG YanboXU LingangYUAN Shunda
In the Beishan rift in the eastern Tianshan orogen, Xinjiang Province, a N-S-trending dyke swarm is present in the Pobei area. The swarm cuts through the 270-290 Ma mafic-ultramafic intrusions associated with Ni-Cu sulphide mineralization. These mafic-ultramafic intrusions are typically found along E-W major faults in the Tianshan orogenic belts. We report SHRIMP U-Pb dating of zircons from a dyke of alkaline composition, which yielded a mean age of 252~9 Ma. Alkaline dykes of the same age are found in the Altay region of Siberia. This age is younger than the 270-290 Ma intraplate magmatic events that produced the mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the region, but in general agreement with the 250-260 Ma Permian plume event that gave rise to the Siberian traps and the Emeishan flood basalts in SW China. We suggest that there is a link between the Emeishan event and the dyke swarm in the Beishan rift and that the intraplate magmatism at 270-290 Ma reflects an early stage of mantle plume activity. The N-S trending dyke swarm in the Beishan rift may represent a later stage in the evolution of mantle plume activity in the NW and SW of China. We also speculate that in Beishan rift and possibly elsewhere in the Tianshan region, the dykes fed basaltic volcanism, whose products have since been eroded due to the strong uplift of the Tianshan orogen as a result of the IndiaEurasia collision in the Cenozoic.