The impacts of pH on roots growth of sugarcane seedlings were explored by a pot test. The nutrient solution with three pH levels, Le., 5.0, 7.0 and 8.5 were applied to culture five combination seedlings, including A (RB85-5156 × YR05-407), B (YR06-3501 ×Tolodo), C (YT94-128 × GZ75-65), D (ROC6 × YR05-733) and E (VMC87-95 ×YR05-171). The result indicated that root length, root surface, root volume and root diameter were all in the largest in B combination with solution pH= 7.0, and the root length, root surface, root volume were in the largest in combination A, C, D and E with solution pH=8.5. Root activity in combination C, D and E were in the highest with solution pH=5.0, while it was in the highest for combination B when pH=7.0. In general, the root growth and morphology in all five combinations were better in the solutions with pH of 7.0 and 8.5.