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8 条 记 录,以下是 1-8
对AZ31镁合金热轧板材在423 K进行6道次双向反复弯曲变形,随后在523 K退火1 000 s,利用光学显微镜和电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术研究该工艺过程中组织及织构的演变规律。结果表明:孪生是主要变形机制;在523 K退火1 000 s后,边部组织已经完全静态再结晶,晶粒明显细化,而中部组织仅发生晶粒长大,最终形成两边晶粒细小、中间晶粒粗大的双向梯度组织。退火态样品内部织构得到弱化,从板材几何中心处至两表面,织构强度逐渐降低,沿板厚方向呈不严格的对称梯度分布;靠近板材上表面区域织构发生弱化和随机化,靠近板材下表面区域晶粒取向集中在取向因子为0.5的方向,而板材几何中心处仅部分晶粒取向发生偏转,取向因子呈双峰分布。
On the texture evolution of Mg-Zn-Ca alloy with different hot rolling paths被引量:10
In the present study,the texture evolution and mechanical anisotropy in a typical Mg–Zn–Ca alloy through hot cross rolling(CR)and unidirectional rolling(UR)were systematically studied.The results show that the rolling path greatly affects the annealed texture.The UR develops a texture with basal poles mainly distributing along the transverse direction(TD).By contrast,an ellipse-like(0002)texture with basal pole inclining largely away from the normal direction(ND)is developed after hot cross rolling and annealing.Therefore,the CR is an effective method to tailor the texture of the experimental alloy.Unfortunately,this ellipse-like texture could not reserve during the subsequent unidirectional hot rolling and annealing.Both UR and CR plates exhibit a strong planar mechanical anisotropy compared with the traditional unidirectional rolled plate.
对AZ61镁合金进行降温多向压缩变形,利用OM,SEM/EBSD及TEM技术对其晶粒细化和析出相变化进行了观察和分析。结果表明:在623~483 K温度范围内降温多向压缩时AZ61镁合金晶粒急剧细化,低角晶界通过吸收位错转变成高角晶界,而降温变形会明显抑制晶粒长大和晶界高角化,5道次变形后还存在大量中低角晶界,平均晶粒尺寸约为0.8μm。变形初期析出的第二相尺寸较大,随着变形道次的增加,第二相细化的同时数量明显增多。降温变形可促进动态析出,使得析出相分布更加细小、弥散。动态析出使得AZ61相对AZ31镁合金具有更高的硬度。AZ61镁合金经降温变形后强度和延性得到同步提升,尤其是5道次变形后伸长率显著提高,这是细小第二相在中低角晶界上动态析出造成的。
Enhanced ductility and reduced asymmetry of Mg-2Al-1Zn alloy plate processed by torsion and annealing被引量:1
The ductility and plastic asymmetry of an as-annealed magnesium alloy plate were studied in compression through combined process of torsion and subsequent annealing by optical microscope and EBSD. The yield strength(YS) and ultimate compression strength(UCS) as well as the compression ductility(CD) were simultaneously raised by prior torsion at room temperature. The CD was further enhanced by subsequent annealing. Also, the torqued sample followed by annealing experienced a rising CD with the increase in prior strain, leading to the maximum true strain of 0.279, which is twice that of the as-annealed original one. The sample showed a largely reduced tension-compression yield asymmetry by subjecting to pre-torsion alone or combined with a subsequent annealing. The enhanced ductility and reduced asymmetry are attributed to the development of a gradient microstructure with refined grains, and also randomization of the weakened texture due to torsion and subsequent annealing.
王军杨续跃李祎肖振宇张笃秀Taku SAKAI
Microstructure and texture in an extruded Mg-Al-Ca-Mn flat-oval tube
In the present study,mechanical property,microstructure and texture of an extruded Mg–1.0Al–1.5Ca–1.0Mn(wt.%)flat-oval tube in both the flat and the oval regions were systematically studied.Our results show that there exists a great difference in microstructure and texture between the flat and the oval regions.Both the flat and the oval regions have fine DRXed grains of 3–4μm,while more row stacked grains are observed in the flat region.A large number of fine particles with a size of about 0.5μm are dispersed in both the grain boundary and grain interior.The particles exhibit a uniform distribution in the oval region,while they tend to aggregate into bands along the extrusion direction(ED)in the flat region.The texture in the oval region is similar to that in extruded Mg rods with a preferred distribution of prismatic planes and random distribution of(0002)poles around the ED,while that in the flat region is close to that in extruded sheets containing two texture components,<0002>//normal direction(ND)and<0002>//transverse direction(TD).A high fraction of<0002>//TD component,about 52–62%,is observed in the flat region.The flat region has a tensile yield strength of 254 MPa,an ultimate tensile strength of 290 MPa and an elongation to failure of 4.3%.
Feilong GuoBo FengShiwei FuYunchang XinShiwei XuQing Liu
Simulation of mechanical behavior of AZ31 magnesium alloy during twin-dominated large plastic deformation被引量:2
Experiments and visco-plastic self-consistent (VPSC) simulations were used to quantify the amount of twinning and the relationship to stress?strain behavior in a textured Mg?3Al?1Zn plate. Two different compression directions were utilized to favor{1012} extension or{1011} compression twinning.{1012} twins nucleate at the beginning of plastic deformation and grow to consume the parent grains completely. During compression along the normal direction,{1011} twinning and{1011}?{1012} double twinning start at strain of 0.05, and the number of twins increases until rupture, above strain of 0.15.{1011} and{1011}?{1012} twinning also occur during compression along the transverse direction, start at strain of 0.06 and then multiply in grains totally reoriented by{1012} twins. Using suitable parameters, the VPSC model can accurately predict the occurrence of extension, compression and double-twinning as well as the flow stresses and deformed textures. According to VPSC simulations, twinning and slip have the same latent hardening parameters.
王志强Adrien CHAPUIS刘庆
Effect of Twin Boundary–Dislocation–Solute Interaction on Detwinning in a Mg–3Al–1Zn Alloy被引量:1
In the present study,the influence of solute atoms together with dislocations at {101^-2} twin boundary(TB) on mechanical behavior of a detwinning predominant deformation in a Mg alloy AZ31 plate was systematically studied.The results show that a large number of {101^-2} twins disappear during recompression along the normal direction.Both the TB-dislocation interaction and TB-solute-dislocation interaction can greatly enhance the yield stress of the recompression along the normal direction(ND).However,the solute segregation at {1012} TBs with an intensive interaction with 〈a〉 dislocations cannot further enhance the yield stress of ND recompression.The samples with TB-dislocation interaction show a similar working hardening performance with that subjected to a TB-solute-dislocation interaction.Both the TB-dislocation interaction and TB-solute-dislocation interaction greatly reduce the value of work hardening peaks during a detwinning predominant deformation.
Jing XuBo GuanHuihui YuXuezhen CaoYunchang XinQing Liu