For controlling anal incontinence,a new artificial anal sphincter system (AASS) with sensor feed-back based on transcutaneous energy transmission is developed.The device mainly comprises an artificialanal sphincter (AAS),a wireless power supply subsystem,and a communication subsystem.The artifi-cial anal sphincter comprises a front cuff and a sensor cuff placed around the rectum,a reservoir sited inabdominal cavity and a micropump controlling inflation and deflation of the front cuff.There are two pres-sure sensors in the artificial anal sphincter.One can measure the pressure in the front cuff to clamp therectum,the other in the sensor cuff can measure the pressure of the rectum.Wireless power supply sub-system includes a resonance transmit coil to transmit an alternating magnetic field and a secondary coil toreceive the power.Wireless communication subsystem can transmit the pressure information of the artifi-cial anal sphincter to the monitor,or send the control commands to the artificial anal sphincter.A proto-type is designed and the basic function of the artificial anal sphincter system has been tested through ex-periments.The results demonstrate that the artificial anal sphincter system can control anal incontinenceeffectively.