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16 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Normal Form for Families of Hamiltonian Systems
We consider perturbations of integrable Hamiltonian systems in the neighborhood of normally parabolic invariant tori. Using the techniques of KAM-theory we prove that there exists a canonical transformation that puts the Hamiltonian in normal form up to a remainder of weighted order 2d + 1. And some dynamical consequences are obtained.
Zhi Guo WANG
Quasi-periodic solutions of a semilinear Liénard equation at resonance被引量:1
We are concerned with the existence of quasi-periodic solutions for the following equation x" + Fx (x, t)x' + ω2x + φ(x,t) = 0,where F and φ are smooth functions and 2π-periodic in t, ω> 0 is a constant. Under some assumptions on the parities of F and φ, we show that the Dancer's function, which is used to study the existence of periodic solutions, also plays a role for the existence of quasi-periodic solutions and the Lagrangian stability (i.e. all solutions are bounded).
Quasi-periodic solutions with prescribed frequency in a nonlinear Schrdinger equation被引量:1
In this paper, one-dimensional (1D) nonlinear Schrdinger equation iut-uxx + Mσ u + f ( | u | 2 )u = 0, t, x ∈ R , subject to periodic boundary conditions is considered, where the nonlinearity f is a real analytic function near u = 0 with f (0) = 0, f (0) = 0, and the Floquet multiplier Mσ is defined as Mσe inx = σne inx , with σn = σ, when n 0, otherwise, σn = 0. It is proved that for each given 0 < σ < 1, and each given integer b > 1, the above equation admits a Whitney smooth family of small-amplitude quasi-periodic solutions with b-dimensional Diophantine frequencies, corresponding to b-dimensional invariant tori of an associated infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian system. Moreover, these b-dimensional Diophantine frequencies are the small dilation of a prescribed Diophantine vector. The proof is based on a partial Birkhoff normal form reduction and an improved KAM method.
REN Xiu-Fang Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
乙酰胆碱受体在神经突触传导过程中具有重要作用,也是氯化胆碱类杀虫剂的作用靶标。采用RACE技术,成功地从棉蚜中克隆了3个nAChR亚基,其中2个为α亚型, 1个为β亚型,分别命名为Agα1、Agα2和Agβ1。通过锚定mRNA的5′mG结构, 5′RACE结果表明Agβ1有三个不同的剪接变体,具有不同长度的5′UTR区,表明Agβ1亚基具有多重的转录起始位点。其中,最短的剪接变体Agβ1C在蛋白编码区域也存在选择性剪接,位于D环区域的186 bp碱基缺失。3′RACE实验结果表明,Agα1亚基虽然具有ploy ( A)和加尾信号AATAAA等完整的mRNA基因结构,但缺失了终止子和乙酰胆碱受体α亚基保守的第4个跨膜区,文中对此做了进一步分析。分子进化树的分析表明,昆虫乙酰胆碱受体亚基应当被划分为三个不同的亚类群αⅠ,αⅡandβ。本文的研究揭示了昆虫乙酰胆碱受体亚基复杂的基因结构[动物学报51 (5) : 867 -878 , 2005]。
Paleomagnetic and Fission-Track Dating of a Late Cenozoic Red Earth Section in the Liupan Shan and Associated Tectonic Implications被引量:6
The north-trending Liupan Shan (六盘山) is an important tectonic boundary between the Tibetan Plateau and the Ordos platform. The Late Cenozoic red earth deposits of the Liupan Shan record its tectonic history and environmental effects. In this article we report a new Late Cenozoic red earth section from an intermontane basin in the southern part of the Liupan Shan. Lithofacies analysis, paleomagnetic and fission-track chronologies, and paleocurrent analysis have been employed to identi- fy the tectonic uplift events of the Liupan Shan. Based on the age constraints of mammal fossils, the pa- leomagnetic polarity zones of the Huating (华亭) Section can be approximately correlated with the standard polarity zones that lie between C3An.2n and C5n.ln of the Geomagnetic Polar- ity Timescale; the bottom age of this section is approximately 10 Ma. Based on this and the previous studies, we infer that a tectonic event commenced in the southern Liupan Shan in this interval between 8.3 and 8.7 Ma, accompanied by a remarkable increase in sediment accumulation rate. Field observations, fission-track dating, determinations of grain-size frequency distribu- tions and the vertebrate fossils found there suggest that the red earth deposits were reworked by water and mainly transported by fluvial-alluvial processes from the adjacent area.
The Oscillation between Tropical Indian Ocean and North Pacific:Evidence and Possible Impact on Winter Climate in China被引量:2
This paper provides evidence that the variation of boreal winter sea level pressure (SLP) over the North Pacific is out-of-phase with SLP fluctuation over the tropical Indian Ocean on both the interdecadal and interannual time scales.Subsequently,a SLP between tropical Indian Ocean and North Pacific (TIO-NP) oscillation index is defined to indicate the variation of such out-of-phase fluctuation.Moreover,the simultaneous surface air temperature and precipitation anomalies in China are closely related to TIO-NP oscillations.Below-normal surface air temperature anomalies in the northern and the eastern part of China,and less rainfall in southern China,correspond to positive TIO-NP oscillation phase with negative SLP anomalies in tropical Indian Ocean and positive anomalies in North Pacific.The TIO-NP oscillation affects China's winter climate anomalies,possibly through modulating the northeast East Asia winter monsoon.
HU Kai-MingHUANG Gang
Hydrodynamic Evolution of GRB Afterglow
We investigate the dynamics of a relativistic fireball which decelerates as it sweeps up ambient matter. Not only the radiative and adiabatic cases, but also the realistic intermediate cases are calculated. We perform numerical calculation for various ambient media and sizes of beaming expansion, and find that the deceleration radius R0 may play an important role for the hydrodynamic evolution of GRB afterglow.
Role of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 in the bone development and skeletal diseases被引量:1
Accumulating data suggest that FGFs/FGFR1 plays essential roles in the bone development and human skeletal diseases. Conditional inactivation of fgfrl caused different phenotypes displaying in different cells or specific organs and revealed some novel functions of FGFR1 in bone development. Fgfrl mutation mainly induced 2 types of human skeletal diseases, craniosynostosis syndrome and dysplasias. Similar mutation of fgfrl in mouse model just mimicked the phenotype that happened in human. These fa- cilitate the investigation on the underlying mechanism of the diseases. Here we mainly focused on the ad- vance of FGFR1 function in the bone development and its mutation caused skeletal diseases.
Stress-Induced Martensitic Transformation of Zr_(50)Cu_(25)Ni_(10)Co_(15) Nanocrystals Embedded in an Amorphous Matrix
The stress induced martensitic phase transformation of spherical ZrCu nanocrystals embedded in an amorphous matrix was studied in this paper. Microstructural observations revealed that the martensitic transformation of the nanocrystal was hindered by the surrounding amorphous coating. The existence of two-step transformation from the austenite phase(B2) to the base structure martensite(B19') and finally to the most stable superstructure martensite(Cm) was also demonstrated. The Cm martensite with(021) type I twinning symmetrically accommodation was surrounded by the B19' martensite with dislocation morphologies.