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  • 1篇声发射特性
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10 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Three-dimensional analytical solution of acoustic emission source location for cuboid monitoring network without pre-measured wave velocity被引量:15
To find analytical solutions of nonlinear systems for locating the acoustic emission/microseismic(AE/MS) source without knowing the wave velocity of structures, the sensor location coordinates were simplified as a cuboid monitoring network. Different locations of sensors on upper and lower surfaces were considered and used to establish nonlinear equations. Based on the proposed functions of time difference of arrivals, the analytical solutions were obtained using five sensors under three networks. The proposed analytical solutions were validated using authentic data of numerical tests and experiments. The results show that located results are consistent with authentic data, and the outstanding characteristics of the new solution are that the solved process is not influenced by the wave velocity knowledge and iterated algorithms.
Dynamic behavior of rock during its post failure stage in SHPB tests被引量:13
In order to investigate the micro-process and inner mechanism of rock failure under impact loading, the laboratory tests were carried out on an improved split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) system with synchronized measurement devices including a high-speed camera and a dynamic strain meter. The experimental results show that the specimens were in the state of good stress equilibrium during the post failure stage even when visible cracks were forming in the specimens. Rock specimens broke into strips but still could bear the external stress and keep force balance. Meanwhile, numerical tests with particle flow code (PFC) revealed that the failure process of rocks can be described by the evolution of micro-fractures. Shear cracks emerged firstly and stopped developing when the external stress was not high enough. Tensile cracks, however, emerged when the rock specimen reached its peak strength and played an important role in controlling the ultimate failure during the post failure stage.
Strength characteristics of dry and saturated rock at different strain rates被引量:26
The strength of rock materials is largely affected by water and loading conditions, but there are few studies on mechanical properties of saturated rocks at high strain rates. Through compressive tests on dry and saturated sandstone specimens, it was found that the dynamic compressive strength of both dry and saturated sandstone specimens increased with the increase of strain rates. The saturated rock specimens showed stronger rate dependence than the dry ones. The water affecting factor (WAF), as the ratio of the strength under dry state to that under saturated state, was introduced to describe the influence of water on the compressive strength at different strain rates. The WAF under static load was close to 1.38, and decreased with the increase of strain rate. When the strain rate reached 190 s^-1, the WAF reduced to 0.98. It indicates that the compressive strength of saturated specimens can be higher than that of dry ones when the strain rate is high enough. Furthermore, the dual effects of water and strain rate on the strength of rock were discussed based on sliding crack model, which provided a good explanation for the experimental results.
Degradation mechanism of rock under impact loadings by integrated investigation on crack and damage development被引量:3
Failure of rock under impact loadings involves complex micro-fracturing and progressive damage. Strength increase and splitting failure have been observed during dynamic tests of rock materials. However, the failure mechanism still remains unclear. In this work, based on laboratory tests, numerical simulations with the particle flow code(PFC) were carried out to reproduce the micro-fracturing process of granite specimens. Shear and tensile cracks were both recorded to investigate the failure mode of rocks under different loading conditions. At the same time, a dynamic damage model based on the Weibull distribution was established to predict the deformation and degradation behavior of specimens. It is found that micro-cracks play important roles in controlling the dynamic deformation and failure process of rock under impact loadings. The sharp increase in the number of cracks may be the reason for the strength increase of rock under high strain rates. Tensile cracks tend to be the key reason for splitting failure of specimens. Numerical simulation of crack propagation by PFC can give vivid description of the failure process. However, it is not enough for evaluation of material degradation. The dynamic damage model is able to predict the stress-strain relationship of specimens reasonably well, and can be used to explain the degradation of specimens under impact loadings at macro-scale. Crack and damage can describe material degradation at different scales and can be used together to reveal the failure mechanism of rocks.
Cancelling ore pillars in large-scale coastal gold deposit: A case study in Sanshandao gold mine, China被引量:10
According to the actual conditions in Sanshandao Gold Mine, the cancelling ore pillars mining method was researched. Firstly, a series of tests for the physical and mechanical characteristics of rock mass were carried out and a quality classification system of rock mass applied in coastal metal deposit was established. Secondly, the reasonable demarcation depth of cancelling ore pillars was simulated using the finite element method, and the simulation results show that the ore pillars can be cancelled below the level of-555 m. Thirdly, a novel layer-backfill mining method of room-pillar alternation was designed to reduce the disturbance and settlement of terrain in mining area. Engineering practice shows that the new mining method enhanced the mining output and relieved rock disturbance. Furthermore, the settlement of the roof strata was small and no disaster occurred. The new mining technology effectively controlled the deformation of the terrain, indicating that the mining of the large-scale gold coastal deposit in Sanshandao Gold Mine was achieved safely, efficiently, and with a low loss rate.
Mechanical behavior of red sandstone under cyclic point loading被引量:6
The mechanical properties of red sandstone subjected to cyclic point loading were investigated. Tests were conducted using MTS servohydraulic landmark test system, under cyclic loadings with constant amplitudes and increasing multi-level amplitudes. The frequencies range from 0.1 to 5 Hz and lower limit load ratios range from 0 to 0.60. Laboratory investigations were performed to find the effect of the frequency and the lower limit load ratio on the fatigue life and hysteresis properties of sandstone. The results show that the fatigue life of sandstone decreases first and then increases with the increase of frequency and lower limit load ratio. Under the same cycle number, the spacing between hysteresis loops increases with rising frequency and decreasing lower limit load ratio. The existence of “training” and “memory” effects in red sandstone under cyclic point loading was proved.
Stress evolution and failure process of Brazilian disc under impact被引量:5
To reveal stress distribution and crack propagation of Brazilian discs under impact loads, dynamic tests were conducted with SHPB (split Hopkinson pressure bar) device. Stress states of specimens were monitored with strain gauges on specimen surface and SHPB bars. The failure process of specimen was recorded by ultra speed camera FASTCAM SAI.1 (675 000 fps). Stress histories from strain gauges offer comprehensive information to evaluate the stress equilibrium of specimen in time and space. When a slowly rising load (with loading rates less than 1 200 N/s for d 50 mm bar) is applied, there is usually good stress equilibrium in specimen. The stress distribution after equilibrium is similar to its static counterpart. And the first crack initiates at the disc center and propagates along the load direction. But with the front of incident wave becoming steep, it is hard for specimens to get to stress equilibrium. The first crack may appear anywhere on the specimen together with multiple randomly distributed secondary cracks. For a valid dynamic Brazil test with stress equilibrium, the specimen will break into two halves neatly. While for tests with stress disequilibrium, missing strap may be found when broken halves of specimens are put together. For those specimens broken up neatly at center but having missing wedges at the loading areas, it is usually subjected to local buckling from SHPB bars.
利用新研制的高应力岩石电液伺服扰动诱变试验系统,对100 mm×100 mm×100 mm大尺寸花岗岩试样进行不同静载作用下的侧向扰动破坏试验,同时利用PFC3D软件对其破坏机制进行分析。通过PCI–2型声发射系统监测发现:动力扰动下高应力岩石的声发射最大能量事件一般滞后于扰动峰值,发生在动力卸载段;随着静载的增加,声发射最大能量事件的发生时间有提前的趋势,而且较大能量事件数量增加。对试样进行基于弹性波速变化的损伤评价和声发射RA值(声发射撞击上升时间/幅度)的分析发现,不同静载下岩石的扰动破坏模式不同,较低静载时,扰动仅触发少量剪切裂纹并导致扰动近区岩石的局部剪切破坏;较高静载时,扰动同时触发剪切裂纹和拉伸裂纹,大量拉伸裂纹的出现最终导致岩石发生贯穿式整体溃崩破坏,基于数值模拟的机制分析也证实这点。
在掘进机截齿破岩、高频破碎锤破岩时,其与岩体的接触面积均很小,相当于点载荷循环加卸载破岩。为了解点载荷循环作用下上限应力对红砂岩疲劳特性的影响,利用MTS Landmark试验系统对红砂岩进行上限应力比分别为0.70、0.80、0.85和0.90的循环点载荷试验。结果表明:在加载波形为渐变正弦波,下限应力比为0.3,加载频率为1 Hz的条件下,红砂岩的疲劳寿命随着上限应力的增大而减小,即上限应力越大,破岩速度越快;红砂岩在点载荷循环加卸载作用下发生破坏时的轴向应变与上限应力所对应的静态应力-应变曲线峰后段的应变相当。