In this paper, by combining a stochastic optimization method with a refrigeration shaft work targeting method,an approach for the synthesis of a heat integrated complex distillation system in a low-temperature process is presented. The synthesis problem is formulated as a mixed-integer nonlinear programming(MINLP) problem,which is solved by simulated annealing algorithm under a random procedure to explore the optimal operating parameters and the distillation sequence structure. The shaft work targeting method is used to evaluate the minimum energy cost of the corresponding separation system during the optimization without any need for a detailed design for the heat exchanger network(HEN) and the refrigeration system(RS). The method presented in the paper can dramatically reduce the scale and complexity of the problem. A case study of ethylene cold-end separation is used to illustrate the application of the approach. Compared with the original industrial scheme, the result is encouraging.
Crude oil distillation is important in refining industry. Operating variables of distillation process have a critical effect on product output value and energy consumption. However, the objectives of minimum energy consumption and maximum product output value do not coordinate with each other and do not lead to the maximum economic benefit of a refinery. In this paper, a systematic optimization approach is proposed for the maximum annual economic benefit of an existing crude oil distillation system, considering product output value and energy consumption simultaneously. A shortcut model in Aspen Plus is used to describe the crude oil distillation and the pinch analysis is adopted to identify the target of energy recovery. The optimization is a nonlinear programming problem and solved by stochastic algorithm of particle warm optimization.
The focus of this paper is to investigate different control structures(single-loop PI control) for a dividing wall(Petlyuk) column for separating ethanol, n-propanol and n-butanol. Four control structures are studied. All the results are simulations based on Aspen Plus. Control structure 1(CS1) is stabilizing control structure with only temperature controllers. CS2, CS3 and CS4, containing also composition controllers, are introduced to reduce the steady state composition deviations. CS2 adds a distillate composition controller(CCDB) on top of CS1. CS3 is much more complicated with three temperature-composition cascade controllers and in addition a selector to the reboiler duty to control the maximum controller output of light impurity composition control in side stream and bottom impurity control in the prefractionator. CS4 adds another high selector to control the light impurity in the sidestream. Surprisingly, when considering the dynamic and even steady state performance of the proposed control structures, CS1 proves to be the best control structure to handle feed disturbances inserted into the three-product Petlyuk column.
In our previous work, the reactive dividing wall column(RDWC) was proposed and proved to be effective for selective hydrogenation and separation of C3 stream. In the present paper, the dynamics and control of the proposed RDWC are investigated. Four control structures including composition and temperature controls are proposed. The feed forward controllers are employed in the four control strategies to shorten the dynamic response time, reduce the maximum deviations and offer an immediate adjustment. The control structures are compared by applying them into the RDWC system with 20% disturbances in both the feed flow rate and the feed compositions, and the results are discussed.
In low-temperature processes, there are interactions between heat exchanger network(HEN) and refrigeration system. The modification on HEN of the chilling train for increasing energy recovery does not always coordinate with the minimum shaft work consumption of the corresponding refrigeration system. In this paper, a systematic approach for optimizing low-temperature system is presented through mathematical method and exergy analysis. The possibility of "pockets", which appears as right nose section in the grand composite curve(EGCC) of the process, is first optimized. The EGCC with the pockets cutting down is designed as a separate part. A case study is used to illustrate the application of the approach for a HEN of a chilling train with propylene and ethylene refrigerant system in an ethylene production process.