We report results of petrologic and mineralogical studies of 25 unequili- brated ordinary chondrites (19 Chinese Antarctic meteorites) using electron microprobe, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) techniques. With increasing degree of thermal metamorphism, chemical zoning of olivine was erased; plessite was transformed into intergrowths of coarsergrained kamacite and Ni-rich metal; Cr exsolved from ferroan olivine, produced needie-like crystals and coarsened into equant chromite grains; and feldspar crystallized during devitrification of glass and recrystallization of matrix. These features can help to identify different metamorphic grades. Based on the scheme by Sears et al (1982), we subdivided type 3 Chinese Antarctic ordinary chondrites into petrologic type 3.3 to 4 (3 type 3.3, 3 type 3.4, 1 type 3.5, 2 type 3.6, 2 type 3.7, 5 type 3.8, 3 type 4 ). This classification scheme is a quite effective way to subdivide Antarctic meteorites. Additionally, we propose to revise the chemical groups of GRV 020032 and GRV 020104 to L and H, respectively.
Miller Range (MIL) 05035 and LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 02224 are unbrecciated lunar basalt meteorites. In this report, we studied their petrography and mineralogy and made in situ uranogenic Pb/Pb dating of Zr-rich minerals. Petrography and mineralogy of these two lunar meteorites are consistent with previous investigations. The zirconolite Pb/Pb age of MIL 05035 is 3851±8 Ma (2σ), in excellent agreement with previous reports. This age suggests that MIL 05035 could be paired with Asuka 881757, a low-Ti mare basalt meteorite. The magmatic event related to MIL 05035 was probably due to the late heavy impact bom- bardment on the moon around 3.9 Ga. One baddeleyite grain in LAP 02224 shows a large variation of Pb/Pb age, from 3109±29 to 3547±21 Ma (2σ), much older than the whole-rock age of the same meteorite (~3.02±0.03 Ga). The other baddeleyite grain in LAP 02224 has an age of 3005±17 Ma (2σ). The result indicates that the minimum crystallization age of LAP 02224 is ~3.55 Ga and the younger ages could reflect late thermal disturbance on U-Pb system.
GRV 020175 is an Antarctic mesosiderite,containing about 43 vol%silicates and 57 vol% metal.Metal occurs in a variety of textures from irregular large masses,to veins penetrating silicates, and to matrix fine grains.The metallic portion contains kamacite,troilite and minor taenite.Terrestrial weathering is evident as partial replacement of the metal and troilite veins by Fe oxides.Silicate phases exhibit a porphyritic texture with pyroxene,plagioclase,minor silica and rare olivine phenocrysts embedded in a fine-grained groundmass.The matrix is ophitic and consists mainly of pyroxene and plagioclase grains.Some orthopyroxene phenocrysts occur as euhedral crystals with chemical zoning from a magnesian core to a ferroan overgrowth;others are characterized by many fine inclusions of plagioclase composition.Pigeonite has almost inverted to its orthopyroxene host with augite lamellae, enclosed by more magnesian rims.Olivine occurs as subhedral crystals,surrounded by a necklace of tiny chromite grains(about 2-3μm).Plagioclase has a heterogeneous composition without zoning. Pyroxene geothermometry of GRV 020175 gives a peak metamorphic temperature(~1000℃) and a closure temperature(~875℃).Molar Fe/Mn ratios(19-32) of pyroxenes are consistent with mesosiderite pyroxenes(16-35) and most plagioclase compositions(An_(87.5_96.6)) are within the range of mesosiderite plagioclase grains(An_(88-95)).Olivine composition(Fo_(53.8)) is only slightly lower than the range of olivine compositions in mesosiderites(Fo_(55-90)).All petrographic characteristics and chemical compositions of GRV 020175 are consistent with those of mesosiderite and based on its matrix texture and relatively abundant plagioclase,it can be further classified as a type 3A mesosiderite.Mineralogical, penological,and geochemical studies of GRV 020175 imply a complex formation history starting as rapid crystallization from a magma in a lava flow on the surface or as a shallow intrusion.Following primary i