A good mechanical model of magnetorheological damper (MRD) is essential to predict the shock isolation performance of MRD in numerical simulation. But at present, the mechanical models of MRD were all derived from the experiment subjected to harmonic vibration loads. In this paper, a commercial MRD (type RD-1005-3) manufactured by Lord Corporation was studied ex-perimentally in order to investigate its isolation performance under the impact loads. A new me-chanical model of MRD was proposed according to the data obtained by impact test. A good agreement between the numerical results and test data was observed, which showed that the model was good to simulate the dynamic properties of MRD under impact loads. It is also demon-strated that MRD can improve the acceleration and displacement response of the structure obvi-ously under impact loads.
Current practice in analysis and design of blast doors subjected to blast loading considers only simple boundary conditions and material properties. The boundary conditions and material properties, in fact, have considerable influence on the response of blast doors subjected to blast loading. In this paper, the dynamic responses of a reinforced concrete arched blast door under blast loading were analyzed by the finite element program ABAQUS, combined with a previously developed elasto-viscoplastic rate-sensitive material model. And the effect of the surrounding rock mass and contact effect of the doorframe were also taken into account in the simulation. It is demonstrated that the strain-rate effect has considerable influence on the response of reinforced concrete blast door subjected to blast loading and must be taken into account in the analysis.
The water mitigation effect on the propagation of shock wave was investigated numerically. The traditional smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method was modified based on Riemann solution. The comparison of numerical results with the analytical solution indicated that the modified SPH method has more advantages than the traditional SPH method. Using the modified SPH algorithm, a series of one-dimensional planar wave propagation problems were investigated, focusing on the influence of the air-gap between the high-pressure air and water and the thickness of water. The numerical results showed that water mitigation effect is significant. Up to 60% shock wave pressure reduction could be achieved with the existence of water, and the shape of shock wave was also changed greatly. It is seemly that the small air-gap between the high-pressure air and water has more influence on water mitigation effect.
In order to study the mechanism of the zonal disintegration phenomenon(ZDP),both experimental and theoretical investigations were carried out.Firstly,based on the similarity law,gypsum was chosen as equivalent material to simulate the deep rock mass,the excavation of deep tunnel was modeled by drilling a hole in the gypsum models,two circular cracked zones were measured in the model,and ZDP in the enclosing rock mass around deep tunnel was simulated in 3D gypsum model tests.Secondly, based on the elasto-plastic analysis of the stressed-strained state of the surrounding rock mass with the improved Hoek-Brown strength criterion and the bilinear constitutive model,the maximum stress zone occurred in vicinity of the elastic-plastic interface due to the excavation of the deep tunnel,rock material in maximum stress zone is in the approximate uniaxial loading state owing to the larger tangential force and smaller radial force,the mechanism of ZDP was explained,which lay in the creep instability failure of rock mass due to the development of plastic zone and transfer of the maximum stress zone within the rock mass.Thirdly,the analytical critical depth for the occurrence of ZDP was obtained,which depended on the mechanical indices and stress concentration coefficient of rock mass.
in order to evaluate the capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) structures subjected to blast Ioadings, the damaged plasticity model for concrete was used in the analysis of the dynamic responses of blast-loaded RC structures, and all three failure modes were numerically simulated by the finite element software ABAQUS. Simulation results agree with the experimental observations. It is demonstrated that the damaged plasticity model for concrete in the finite element software ABAQUS can predict dynamic responses and typical flexure, flexure-shear and direct shear failure modes of the blast-loaded RC structures.