microRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of endogenous, non-coding, short (~21 nt) RNAs directly involved in regulating gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. Previous reports have noted that plant miRNAs in the plant kingdom are highly conserved, which provides the foundation for identification of conserved miRNAs in other plant species through homology alignment. Conserved miRNAs in wheat are identified using EST (Expressed Sequence Tags) and GSS analysis. All previously known miRNAs in other plant species were blasted against wheat EST and GSS sequences to select novel miRNAs in wheat by a series of filtering criteria. From a total of 37 conserved miRNAs belonging to 18 miRNA families 10 conserved miRNAs comprising 4 families were reported in wheat. MiR395 is found to be a special family, because three members belonging to the same miR395 family are clustered together, similar to animal miRNAs. MiRNA targets are transcription factors involved in wheat growth and development, metabolism,and stress responses.
HAN YouSheng, LUAN FuLei, ZHU HongLiang, SHAO Yi, CHEN AnJun, LU ChengWen, LUO YunBo & ZHU BenZhong Laboratory of Fruit Biotechnology, College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
For elucidating the regulatory mechanism of ethylene on carotenoid-related volatiles (open chain) compounds and the relationship between lycopene and carotenoid-related volatiles, transgenic tomato fruits in which ACC synthase was suppressed were used. The transgenic tomato fruit showed a significant reduction of lycopene and aroma volatiles with low ethylene production. 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-ol and geranylacetone, which were suspected to be lycopene degradation products, were lower than those in wild type tomato fruits. In order to identify whether lycopene accumulation effects the biosynthesis of some carotenoid-related volatiles independent of ethylene in tomato or not, the capability of both wild type and transgenic tomato fruits discs to convert lycopene into carotenoid-related volatiles was evaluated. The data showed that external lycopene could convert into 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-ol in vivo, indicating that the strong inhibition of ethylene production had no effect on enzymes in the biosynthesis pathway of some carotenoid-related volatUes. Therefore, in ACS-suppression transgenic tomato fruits, the low levels of 6-methyl- 5-hepten-2-one, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-ol was due to decreased lycopene accumulation, not ethylene production. Ethylene only affected the accumulation of lycopene, and then indirectly influenceed the level of lycopene-related volatiles.
Hongyan Gao Hongliang Zhu Yi Shao Anjun Chen Chengwen Lu Benzhong Zhu Yunbo Luo
Loss-of-function ethylene insensitive 2 (EIN2) mutations showed ethylene insensitivity in Arabidopsis, which indicated an essential role of EIN2 in ethylene signaling. However, the function of EIN2 in fruit ripening has not been investigated. To gain a better understanding of EIN2, the temporal regulation of LeEIN2 expres- sion during tomato fruit development was analyzed. The expression of LeEIN2 was constant at different stages of fruit development, and was not regulated by ethylene. Moreover, LeEIN2-silenced tomato fruits were developed using a virus-induced gene silencing fruit system to study the role of LeEIN2 in tomato fruit ripening. Silenced fruits had a delay in fruit development and ripening, related to greatly descended expression of ethylene-related and ripening-related genes in comparison with those of control fruits. These results suggested LeEIN2 positively mediated ethylene signals during tomato development. In addition, there were fewer seeds and Iocules in the silenced fruit than those in the control fruit, like the phenotype of parthenocarpic tomato fruit. The content of auxin and the expression of auxin-regulated gene were declined in silenced fruit, which indicated that EIN2 might be important for crosstalk between ethylene and auxin hormones.
Hong-Liang Zhu Ben-Zhong Zhu Yi Shao Xiao-Guang Wang Xi-Jin Lin Yuan-Hong Xie Ying-Cong Li Hong-Yan Gao Yun-Bo Luo