Web 2.0时代,人网交互的便捷赋予了Web服务更多的社会化特性(如评分、评论等),却往往被服务的提供者忽视,导致难以有效实现基于用户体验的服务推荐。针对不同的用户视角,该文提出了一种Web服务综合描述模型,以多视图的方式集成Web服务的技术属性(如操作、消息等)和社会化特性。首先,从逻辑设计的角度出发,给出了其概念模型;然后,从工程应用的角度出发,构造其元模型,指导具体模型的设计;最后,根据一个应用案例,验证了方法的可行性。该模型和相关工具将为实现服务超市中服务的主动推荐奠定基础。
With the development of Internet technology and human computing, the computing environment has changed dramatically over the last three decades. Cloud computing emerges as a paradigm of Internet computing in which dynamical, scalable and often virtuMized resources are provided as services. With virtualization technology, cloud computing offers diverse services (such as virtual computing, virtual storage, virtual bandwidth, etc.) for the public by means of multi-tenancy mode. Although users are enjoying the capabilities of super-computing and mass storage supplied by cloud computing, cloud security still remains as a hot spot problem, which is in essence the trust management between data owners and storage service providers. In this paper, we propose a data coloring method based on cloud watermarking to recognize and ensure mutual reputations. The experimental results show that the robustness of reverse cloud generator can guarantee users' embedded social reputation identifications. Hence, our work provides a reference solution to the critical problem of cloud security.