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23 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
利用14对AFLP(amplified fragment length polymorphism)引物组合对92份山东省不同年代小麦推广品种遗传多样性进行分析。结果表明,每对引物组合的平均多态性位点为20.07,多态位点百分率为30.06,在筛选引物时发现引物MseⅠ+TAG与PstⅠ组合时大部分能够表现出较好的多态性;92份材料的遗传相似系数(Dice)分布在0.93~0.997之间,平均为0.952,说明山东省小麦遗传多样性的水平低。根据材料间的相似系数,按UPGMA聚类法对92份材料聚类分析,可以把92份材料分为6类。值得注意的是紫色麦自成一类。20世纪50年代至今山东省小麦推广品种的遗传多样性指数变化趋势:从20世纪50年代到80年代,品种材料的遗传多样性指数逐渐增加,20世纪80年代达到最高,此后则有所下降,到区试材料(2)时遗传多样性指数又有所上升,但是幅度不大。从总体来看,山东省不同年代选育的小麦品种的遗传多样性差异较小,也没有因为育种而导致当地小麦品种的遗传多样性下降。
普通六倍体小麦中存在为数不多的自然突变的Waxy蛋白亚基缺失小麦材料。选用自然突变形成的4种缺失1个或2个Waxy蛋白亚基的部分糯小麦材料,2种Waxy蛋白亚基全缺失的糯小麦品系,以普通中筋小麦济麦19作为对照,研究其籽粒性状和面团的粉质特性、揉混特性、拉伸和黏度特性。结果表明,糯小麦的籽粒硬度、直链淀粉含量与其他小麦相比明显偏低;部分糯小麦的直链淀粉含量比对照有不同程度的降低。面团的粉质特性、揉混特性和拉伸特性测定表明,糯小麦面团的吸水率极显著高于其他小麦,其稳定时间、断裂时间,揉混特性的中线峰值时间、峰值面积、8 min尾高,拉伸特性的最大拉伸阻力、拉伸曲线面积、最大拉伸比显著低于对照,而部分糯小麦(江苏白火麦除外)的粉质参数(吸水率除外)、揉混参数、最大拉伸阻力、最大拉伸比均高于对照,达显著或极显著水平。黏度特性上,糯小麦的面团黏度、附着功、黏聚性较大,部分糯小麦(江苏白火麦除外)的面团黏度较小,均呈显著或极显著性差异。综合面团的流变学特性测定表明,糯小麦面粉的吸水率高,但面团的结构差,筋力弱;Sturdy、Satanata和IKE 3个部分糯小麦的面团的耐揉性、耐搅性、面团筋力优于济麦19,也优于糯小麦;缺失Wx-D1亚基的江苏白火麦的大多数面团流变学参数与糯小麦无显著性或极显著性差异。
Influence of Wheat Protein Contents and Fractions on Dough RheologicalProperties as Determined by Using a Reconstitution Method
A strong gluten wheat cultivar Shannong 12 and a medium-strength wheat cultivar Shannong 11 were used to investigate the effects of wheat protein contents and protein fractions on dough rheological properties using a reconstitution method. The results indicated that the peak height, peak width, peak integral, resistance to extension and area under the curve were increased when protein content increased to 120, 140, and 160% (w/w) of the protein content in the base flours for doughs made from each wheat cultivar. All protein fractions were added to each of the base flours at three levels (0.25, 0.50 and 1.00%, w/w) based upon the protein content. The mixograph dough development time, peak width, and resistance to extension increased when the glutenin, insoluble glutenin, soluble glutenin, and glutenin macropolymer were added and increased systematically with increasing levels of these fractions. Peak integral increased by adding and increasing protein content, however, albumin-globulin had no obvious effects. Extensibility at rupture decreased when the glutenin, insoluble glutenin, soluble glutenin, and glutenin macropolymer were added, and decreased systematically with increasing levels of these fractions. However, extensibility at rupture increased when the monomeric protein, albumin-globulin, and gliadin were added, and increased systematically with increasing levels of these fractions.
LI Yong-qiangZHU Ren-junTIAN Ji-chun
RVA and Farinograph Properties Study on Blends of Resistant Starch and Wheat Flour被引量:18
Resistant starch (RS) is the undigested starch that passes through the small intestine to the large intestine. As a functional low calorie additive, it has special applications in the food industry. Rapid visco analysis (RVA) and the Brabender farinograph were used to study the pasting properties and the viscoelasticity of blends of RS (RS3 and RS2) and three wheat flours. The wheat flours represented strong gluten wheat (SGW), intermediate gluten wheat (IGW), and weak gluten wheat (WGW) flours, at different levels of RS substitution (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20%). The influence of RS3 on the control wheat flours and RS-wheat flour blends were consistent with those of RS2. The peak, trough, and final viscosities of RS3-wheat flour blends were higher than those of the corresponding RS2-wheat flour blends. The peak, trough, breakdown, final, and setback viscosities ofwheat-RS blends decreased with an increase in resistant starch contents from 0 to 20% in the blends. The 0-20% RS-wheat flour blends were all able to form doughs. The dough development times, dough stabilities, dough breakdown times, and farinograph quality numbers for the RS-wheat flour blends decreased as the RS proportion in the blends increased. The values for RS-SGW flour blends were the highest, followed by RS-IGW and then RS-WGW flour blends. The water absorption values for RS-wheat flour blends and the mixing tolerance index for RS-WGW flour blends were found to increase significantly with an increasing proportion of RS from 0 to 20%, but the mixing tolerance index for RS-SGW and RS-IGW flour blends showed no significant differences amongst the different ratios. Correlation analysis showed that the Farinograph quality number was highly positively correlated with dough breakdown time, dough stability, and dough development time (r= 1.000, 0.958, 0.894), and highly negatively correlated with the mixing tolerance index (r =-0.890). Data from this study can be used for the development of dough-based products. It also pr
FU LeiTIAN Ji-chunSUN Cai-lingLI Chun
A Genetic Map Constructed Using a Doubled Haploid Population Derived from Two Elite Chinese Common Wheat Varieties被引量:12
Genetic mapping provides a powerful tool for the analysis of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) at the genomic level. Herein, we report a new genetic linkage map developed from an F1-derived doubled haploid (DH) population of 168 lines, which was generated from the cross between two elite Chinese common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties, Huapei 3 and Yumai 57. The map contained 305 loci, represented by 283 simple sequence repeat (SSR) and 22 expressed sequence tag (EST)-SSR markers, which covered a total length of 2141.7 cM with an average distance of 7.02 cM between adjacent markers on the map. The chromosomal locations and map positions of 22 new SSR markers were determined, and were found to distribute on 14 linkage groups. Twenty SSR loci showed different chromosomal locations from those reported in other maps. Therefore, this map offers new information on the SSR markers of wheat. This genetic map provides new opportunities to detect and map QTLs controlling agronomically important traits. The unique features of this map are discussed.
Kun-Pu ZhangiLiang ZhaoJi-Chun TianGuang-Feng ChenXiao-Ling JiangBin Liu
Protein Content and Amino Acid Composition in Grains of Wheat-Related Species被引量:8
The protein content and amino acid composition for 17 wheat-related species (WRS) and three common wheats (control) were determined and analyzed, and the essential amino acids (EAAs) in WRS were evaluated according to FAO/WHO amino acid recommendations. The results showed that the mean protein content for WRS was 16.67%, which was 23.21% higher than that for the control. The mean contents (g 100 g^-1 protein) of most amino acids for WRS were lysine 2.74%, threonine 2.83%, phenylalanine 4.17%, isoleucine 3.42%, valine 3.90%, histidine 2.81%, glutamic acid 29.96%, proline 9.12%, glycine 3.59%, alanine 3.37%, and cysteine 1.57%, which were higher than those for the control. The contents of the other 6 amino acids for WRS were lower than those for the control. The materials (Triticum monococcum L., Triticum carthlicum Nevski, and Triticum turgidum L.) contained relatively high concentration of the most deficient EAAs (lysine, threonine, and methionine). Comparing with FAO/WHO amino acid recommendations, the amino acid scores (AAS) of lysine (49.8%), threonine (70.7%), and sulfur-containing amino acids (74.8%) were the lowest, which were considered as the main limiting amino acids in WRS. It was observed that the materials with Triticum urartu Turn. (AA) and Aegilops speltoides Tausch. (SS) genomes had relatively high contents of protein and EAA. The contents of protein (16.91%), phenylalanine (4.78%), isoleucine (3.53%), leucine (6.16%), and valine (4.09%) for the diploid materials were higher than those for the other materials. These results will provide some information for selecting parents in breeding about nutrient quality and utilization of fine gene in wheat.
JIANG Xiao-ling TIAN Ji-chun HAO Zhi ZHANG Wei-dong