A Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver can generally track 5-7 rays from GPS satellites at any moment, and water vapor along these ray paths (slant-path water vapor, SWV) may be retrieved using the methods developed in recent years. This paper suggests two new parameters-absolute vertical SWV (VSWV) and relative VSWV derived from SWV, and their temporal and spatial figures can reflect the heterogeneous distribution and variation of water vapor field. This approach has been applied to the weather diagnoses in a severe storm event in Beijing during July 2004, and it is concluded that the temporal and spatial figures of absolute VSWV and relative VSWV can be useful in monitoring the evolution of water vapor field and be potential in better understanding the precipitation process.
MAO HuiMAO JieTaiBI YanMengLI ChengCaiLIU XiaoYang
The direct correlation between NASA MODIS aerosol optical depth (AOD) products and the air pollution index (API) in Beijing was found relatively low based on the long-term comparison analysis. The correlation improved to some extent after taking account of the seasonal variation of scale height and the vertical distribution of aerosols. The correlation coefficient further improved significantly after considering the influencing factor of Relative Humidity (RH). This study concluded that satellite remote-sensing could serve as an efficient tool for monitoring the spatial distribution of particulate pollutants on the ground-level, as long as corrections have been made in the two aforementioned processes. Taking advantage of the MODIS information, we analyzed a pollution episode occurring in October 2004 in Beijing. It indicated that satellite remote-sensing could describe the formation process of the ground-level pollution episode in detail, and showed that regional transport and the topography were crucial factors to air quality in Beijing. The annual averaged distribution in the urban area of Beijing and its surroundings could be also obtained from the high-resolution retrieval results, implicating that high-resolution satellite remote-sensing might be potential in monitoring the source distribution of particulate pollutants.
许多运用卫星资料的工作首先要求将卫星观测区域内的云去除,而美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(NASA,National Aeronautics and Space Administration)的中分辨率成像分光辐射计(MODIS,Mod-erate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)云检测产品MOD35_L2在光亮表面(如中国西部地区)上空存在较大误差。因而对于云检测结果敏感的工作(如反演气溶胶光学特性),如果简单的采用MOD35_L2,将给最终的结果带来误差。本文提出时间序列方法和MODIS第1(0.659μm)、3(0.470μm)、4(0.555μm)通道多通道方差方法与MOD35_L2中部分云检测方法相结合对中国西部地区进行云检测,得到了较好的云检测结果。