A phishing detection system, which comprises client-side filtering plug-in, analysis center and protected sites, is proposed. An image-based similarity detection algorithm is conceived to calculate the similarity of two web pages. The web pages are first converted into images, and then divided into sub-images with iterated dividing and shrinking. After that, the attributes of sub-images including color histograms, gray histograms and size parameters are computed to construct the attributed relational graph(ARG)of each page. In order to match two ARGs, the inner earth mover's distances(EMD)between every two nodes coming from each ARG respectively are first computed, and then the similarity of web pages by the outer EMD between two ARGs is worked out to detect phishing web pages. The experimental results show that the proposed architecture and algorithm has good robustness along with scalability, and can effectively detect phishing.
网格服务质量(QoS)保证是网格环境中最关键的研究内容之一,以往的网格QoS保证机制大多关注于性能QoS的保证,而对于安全QoS鲜有涉及.针对这一不足,提出了用网格安全保护质量(grid quality of protection,GQoP)的概念来定义网格安全QoS,并给出了相应的测量技术.将GQoP看作为网格QoS(GQoS)的一个子类,通过融合模型和协商算法来消除两者之间的资源竞争矛盾,并据此提出了一种具有GQoP保证的网格QoS自适应调度算法.该算法不需要中央节点的控制,而由各资源提供者按照一定的概率分布来调节GQoP和GQoS等级,不仅能够保证用户的GQoP和GQoS需求,而且能够通过构造的马尔可夫链,渐进地逼近系统效用的全局最优解.