An ultrafine-grained Cu sample with a high density of growth twins was synthesized by means of pulsed electrodeposition technique. The strain rate sensitivity of the Cu sample was measured by strain rate cycling tests under tension. The effects of grain size as well as twin density on the strength and strain rate sensitivity were discussed.
Nanocrystalline Cu-Ni-P alloys with average grain sizes of 7, 10 and 24 nm were synthesized by means of electrodeposition. The grain size dependences of tensile strength and hardness of the nanocrystalline Cu alloys were investigated. The breakdown of Hall-Petch relation was exhibited in both tensile strength and hardness.
The microstructures and hardness of pure Al samples subjected to plastic deformation with different tem- peratures and strain rates were investigated. The results showed that the strain-induced grain refinement is significantly benefited by increasing strain rate and reducing deformation temperature. The saturated size of refined subgrains in Al can be as small as about 240 nm in cryogenic dynamic plastic deformation (DPD). Grain boundaries of the DPD Al samples are low-angle boundaries due to suppression of dynamic recovery during deformation. Agreement of the measured hardness with the empirical Hall-Petch relation extrapolated from the coarse-grained Al implies that the low-angle boundaries can contribute to strengthening as effective as the conventional grain boundaries.
While some superior properties of nanostructured materials (with structural scales below 100 nm) have attracted numerous interests of material scientists, technique development for synthesizing nanostructured metals and alloys in 3-dimensional (3D) bulk forms is still challenging despite of extensive investigations over decades. Here we report a novel synthesis technique for bulk nanostructured metals based on plastic deformation at high Zener-Hollomon parameters (high strain rates or low temperatures), i.e., dynamic plastic deformation (DPD). The basic concept behind this approach will be addressed together with a few examples to demonstrate the capability and characteristics of this method. Perspectives and future developments of this technique will be highlighted.
By means of dynamic plastic deformation (DPD) followed by thermal annealing, a mixed structure of micro-sized austenite grains embedded with nano-scale twin bundles (of about 20% in volume) has been synthesized in a 316L stainless steel (SS). Such a 316L SS sample exhibits a tensile strength as high as 1001 MPa and an elongation-to-failure of about 23%. The much elevated strength originates from the presence of a considerable number of strengthening nano-twin bundles, while the ductility from the recrystallized grains. The superior strength-ductility combination achieved in the nano-twins-strengthened austenite steel demonstrates a novel approach for optimizing the mechanical properties in engineering materials.
G.Z. Liu, N.R. Tao and K. Lu Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China