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作品数:12 被引量:72H指数:6


  • 12篇中文期刊文章


  • 7篇农业科学
  • 4篇生物学
  • 1篇天文地球


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  • 4篇近海
  • 4篇近海域
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  • 2篇鱼类
  • 2篇褐菖鲉
  • 2篇DNA_BA...
  • 2篇I
  • 2篇FIN
  • 2篇SPINES
  • 2篇IMMERS...
  • 1篇多样性
  • 1篇形态学
  • 1篇形态学比较
  • 1篇优势种
  • 1篇鱼类群落
  • 1篇指标法
  • 1篇生物多样性
  • 1篇生物学特征
  • 1篇天竺鲷属


  • 8篇中国海洋大学
  • 4篇国家海洋局第...
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12 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
本研究检视了采自中国沿海的银口天竺鲷属标本314尾,形态学鉴定为8种:斑鳍银口天竺鲷(Jaydia carinata(Cuvier,1828))、细条银口天竺鲷(J.lineata(Temminck&Schlege,1842))、新几内亚银口天竺鲷(J.novaeguineae(Valenciennes,1832))、黑鳃银口天竺鲷(J.poeciloptera(Cuvier,1828))、史密斯氏银口天竺鲷(J.smithi Kotthaus 1970)、横带银口天竺鲷(J.striata(Smith&Radcliffe,1912))、印度洋银口天竺鲷(J.striatodes(Gon,1997))和黑边银口天竺鲷(J.truncata(Bleeker,1854))。结合GenBank中的同种序列,对史密斯氏银口天竺鲷进行DNA条形码分析,发现中国群体和地中海群体分为两个组群,两者平均组间遗传距离为0.044,表明其中存在隐存种。因该种模式产地为亚丁湾,推测中国种群为隐存种Jaydia sp.。结合标本和文献考证,我们认为中国已知有银口天竺鲷属鱼类9种,未采集到的烟台银口天竺鲷J.tchefouensis(Fang,1942)可能为J.lineata次定同种异名。我们整理了各种的同种异名、形态特征和地理分布,编制了检索表,探讨了分类问题,修订了错误。中国已记录物种J.ellioti、J.arafurae、J.albomarginata实际为J.truncata、J.poeciloptera和J.novaeguineae。
根据2009—2010年在东山湾及其邻近海域进行的4个航次底拖网的调查资料,分析了该海域的鱼类群落结构。调查共获得鱼类114种,其中暖水性鱼类有76种,暖温性鱼类有38种,优势种鱼类(IRI>1 000)共有8种,无常年优势种。多样性指数、季节更替指数和迁移指数分析显示,东山湾及其邻近海域各季节的Margalef种类丰富度指数(D)较低且季节变化明显,变化范围在3.70~5.34之间;Shannon-Weiner种类多样性指数(H′)较低;Pielou均匀度指数(J′)季节变化不明显;Jaccard相似性指数(Js)较低,季节间种类相似度较低。东山湾及其邻近海域鱼类群落结构稳定性相对较差。同时发现部分鱼类在湾内和湾外的分布与季节有关。
Morphological characters and DNA barcoding of Syngnathus schlegeli in the coastal waters of China被引量:2
A Syngnathus species widely distributed in Chinese seas was permanently identified as Syngnathus acus by native ichthyologists, but the taxonomic description about this species was inadequate and lacking conclusively molecular evidence. To identify this species, 357 individuals of this species from the coastal waters of Dandong, Yantai, Qingdao and Zhoushan were collected and measured. Morphological results showed that these slender specimens were mainly brownish, usually mottled with pale. Standard length ranged from 117 mm to 213 mm with an average length of 180.3 mm. The above characters were consistent with S. schlegeli distributed in Japan but colored differently from and much smaller than typical S. acus reported in Europe. Thus, morphological studies revealed that this species was previously misidentified as S. acus and might be S. schlegeli in reality. In addition, a fragment of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (CO1) gene of mitochondrial DNA was also sequenced for species identification, and 15 COl sequences belonging to different Syngnathus species were also used for the molecular identification. CO1 sequences of our specimens had the minimum genetic distance from recognized S. schlegeli from Japan and clustered with it firstly. The phylogenetic analysis similarly suggested that the species previously identified as S. acus in the coastal waters of China was S. schlegeli actually.
CHEN ZhiZHANG YanHAN ZhiqiangSONG NaGAO Tianxiang
Use of calcein and alizarin red S for immersion marking of black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii juveniles被引量:8
Black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii juveniles (30-40 mm total length) were immersed in a range of calcein (CAL) solutions at concentrations ranging from 50 to 250 mg/L and alizarin red S (ARS) solutions at concentrations ranging from 100 to 500 mg/L in filtered seawater (salinity 30) for 24 h. Fluorescent marks were detected in otoliths (sagittae, asteriscus), scales, fin rays (dorsal, pectoral, ventral, anal, and caudal fin rays), and fin spines (dorsal, ventral, and anal fin spines) after a 60-d growth experiment. With the exception of 50-100 rng/L CAL, acceptable marks were produced in the otoliths and fin spines by all concentrations of CAL and ARS. In particular, marks were clearly visible under normal light in the sagittae, asteriscus, and fin spines offish immersed in 200 500 mg/L, 300-500 rag/L, and 200-500 mg/LARS, respectively. Scales and fin rays had acceptable marks at much higher concentrations (≥50 mg/L CAL, ≥300 mg/L ARS for scales and ≥50 mg/L CAL,≥200 mg/L ARS for fin rays). The mark quality was highest (i.e., acceptable marks were observed in all sampled structures after immersion marking) in fish immersed in 150-250 mg/L CAL or 300-500 mg/LARS. In addition, there was no significant difference in survival and growth of marked fish compared with controls 60 d post-marking (P〉0.05).
Lü HongjianZHANG XiumeiXI DanGAO Tianxiang
根据2009年11月至2010年8月东山湾及其邻近海域鱼类调查资料,系统分析了其鱼类物种组成,计算了该海域的分类阶元包涵指数(TINCLi)、分类多样性指数(△+和∧+)以及各物种的相对重要性指数(IRI),并对东山湾海域物种季节变化进行了探讨。结果显示,东山湾共记录鱼类114种,分属15目57科87属,以鲈形目种类占绝对优势。分类阶元包涵指数分析结果显示,东山湾及其邻近海域鱼类种类组成中,其目、科、属所分别拥有的(科、属、种)、(属、种)和(种)的平均数目分别为(3.80、5.40、7.60)、(1.42、2.00)和(1.41),均低于东海陆架区、大亚湾、东沙群岛,说明东山湾海域的鱼类多样性比其余海域高,种类组成较为分散。使用PRIMER 5.2软件计算的平均分类差异指数△+和分类差异变异指数∧+分别为65.8和129.5,其中△+均高于其余3个海域,说明东山湾海域鱼类的亲缘关系比其余3个海域要远,而且分布不均匀。相对重要性指数分析结果显示,当采用IRI>1 000标准定义优势种时,秋季的优势种有3种,冬季只有1种,春季有2种,夏季最多有4种,说明不同季节的优势鱼种存在较大变化,主要鱼种季节更替明显。本研究在种以上的分类阶元分析了东山湾及其周边海域的鱼类组成及其分布特点,为东山湾鱼类资源的可持续开发、利用和保护提供了重要的参考依据。
Use of tetracycline hydrochloride and alizarin complexone for immersion marking black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii被引量:5
We tested the utility of chemical marking techniques in the juvenile black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii. Juveniles (30-40 mm total length) were immersed in a range of tetracycline hydrochloride (TC) solutions at concentrations ranging from 300 to 500 mg/L, and alizarin complexone (ALC) solutions at concentrations ranging from 200 to 400 mg/L in filtered sea water (salinity of 30) for 24 h, respectively. Otoliths (sagittae, asteriscus), scales, fin rays (dorsal, pectoral, ventral, anal, and caudal fin rays), and fin spines (dorsal, ventral, and anal fin spines) were sampled and used to detect fluorescent marks after a 60-day growth experiment. With the exception of 300 mg/L TC, acceptable marks were produced in the otoliths and fin spines by all concentrations of TC and ALC. In particular, we observed clearly visible marks in the sagittae, asteriscus, and fin spines under normal light at concentrations of200~00 mg/L, 250-400 mg/L, and 250-400 mg/L ALC, respectively. Scales and fin rays had acceptable marks at much higher concentrations (_〉350 mg/L TC, 〉250 mg/L ALC for scales and _〉350 mg/L TC, 〉300 mg/L ALC for fin rays). The best mark quality (i.e., acceptable marks were observed in all sampled structures after immersion marking) were obtained following immersion in TC at between 350-500 rag/L, and ALC between 300-400 mg/L. In addition, there was no significant difference in survival and growth of TC and ALC marked fish compared to their controls up to 60 days post-marking (P〉0.05).
A new record of Sebastes koreanus from China based on morphological characters and DNA barcoding被引量:4
A new record of Sebastes koreanus (Kim and Lee, 1994) was documented based on morphological characters and DNA barcoding. Fifty-six Sebastes specimens were collected from the coastal waters of northern China. Samples were identified as S. koreanus based on morphological characters. The coloration and morphometric measurements were consistent with those described from specimens collected in South Korea. In this study, specimens had the following morphological characteristics: light brown body with dark stripes and tiny dark spots, 4-5 wide indistinct vertical patterns on the side, 2 radial stripes behind and below the eyes, 1 large dark blotch on the opercle. Additionally, the following meristie characters were recorded: dorsal fin XIV-13, pectoral fin 16, anal fin III-6-7, pelvic fin [-5, lateral line scales 29-30, and vertebrae 26. The fragment of cytochrome oxidase subunit I (CO1) gene of mitochondrial DNA was sequenced for phylogenetic analysis. The mean genetic distance within the species was 0.3%. Net genetic distances between S. koreanus and other Sebastes species ranged from 3.1% to 7.6%, which was greater than the threshold for species delimitation. The phylogenetic analysis strongly supports the validity of S. koreanus in China at the genetic level. The origion, evolution, patterns of speciation and unique features in genome divergence among primate lineages of this species still need future directions of research.
方亚璐KAI YoshiakiYANAGIMOTO Takashi宋娜高天翔