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  • 2篇理学


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  • 1篇时域有限差分...
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  • 1篇物理学报


  • 1篇2014
  • 3篇2012
4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
Manipulated localized surface plasmon resonances in silver nanoshells coated with a spherical anisotropic layer被引量:2
The influences of the anisotropy of the outer spherically anisotropic (SA) layer on the far-field spectra and near- field enhancements of the silver nanoshells are investigated by using a modified Mie scattering theory. It is found that with the increase of the anisotropic value of the SA layer, the dipole resonance wavelength of the silver nanoshell first increases and then decreases, while the local field factor (LFF) reduces. With the decrease of SA layer thickness, the dipole wavelength of the silver nanoshell shows a distinct blue-shift. When the SA layer becomes very thin, the modulations of the anisotropy of the SA layer on the plasmon resonance energy and the near-field enhancement are weakened. We further find that the smaller anisotropic value of the SA layer is helpful for obtaining the larger near-field enhancement in the Ag nanoshell. The geometric average of the dielectric components of the SA layer has a stronger effect on the plasmon resonance energy of the silver nanoshell than on the near-field enhancement.
相对于单一金属纳米材料,二金属复合纳米材料具有更大的潜在应用价值.基于时域有限差分方法,研究了SiO_2-Ag-Au和SiO_2-Au-Ag二金属三层纳米管的消光光谱,并对其局域表面等离激元共振(localized suIrfaceplasmon resonance,LSPR)特性进行了分析.研究发现,内核尺寸变大将导致上述两种金属纳米管LSPR峰红移;内层金属及外层金属壳层厚度增大均会导致其LSPR峰蓝移.银壳厚度变化对纳米管LSPR的调制作用大于金壳厚度变化造成的影响.上述现象可以利用等离激元杂化理论及自由电子和振荡电子变化的竞争机制进行分析.
Enormous enhancement of electric field in active gold nanoshells
The electric field enhancement properties of an active gold nanoshell with gain material inside have been investigated by using Mie theory. As the gain coefficient of the inner core increases to a critical value, a super-resonance appears in the active gold nanoshell, and enormous enhancements of the electric fields can be found near the surface of the particle. With increasing shell thickness, the critical value of the gain coefficient for the super-resonance of the active gold nanoshell first decreases and then increases, and the corresponding surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) enhancement factor (G factor) also first increases and then decreases. The optimized active gold nanoshell can be obtained with an extremely high SERS G factor of the order of 1019-1020. Such an optimized active gold nanoshell possesses a high-efficiency SERS effect and may be useful for single-molecule detection.
Influence of polarization direction, incidence angle, and geometry on near-field enhancement in two-layered gold nanowires被引量:2
The influences of polarization direction, incidence angle, and geometry on near-field enhancements in two-layered gold nanowires (TGNWs) have been investigated by using the vector wave function method. When the polarization direction is perpendicular to the incidence plane, the local field factor (LFF) in TGNW decreases first and then increases with the increase in the incidence angle. The minimum LFF is observed at an incidence angle of 41°. It is found that the increase in the dielectric constant of the inner core leads to a decrease in the LFF. With the increase in the inner core radius, the LFF in TGNW increases first and then decreases, and the maximum LFF is observed at an inner core radius of 27 nm. On the other hand, when the polarization direction is parallel to the incidence plane, the collective motions of the induced electrons are enhanced gradually with the decrease in the incidence angle, and hence the near-field enhancement is increased.